flash - Editing .sol-files - Stack Overflow
2011年1月18日 · ASV SOL Viewer and Editor adds 'View and Edit SOL Files' option to ASV. SOL (Local Shared Object) files are created by SWF files to store persistent data on the user's computer, similar to a cookie. With ASV SOL Viewer and Editor you can, Open and view SOL files, Edit contents of SOL files, Create new SOL files.
actionscript - Is there good .sol editor for Flash Player 9 Local ...
2013年7月9日 · but it looks as though both of these docs are a good 4 years old (pre-FP9) and as I'm not skilled or experienced in file formats, writing a new one, especially without an updated spec, is seeming like less and less of a viable option. Ideally I'd like one that can not only read the .sol, but edit and save new values also. Thanks!
How to parse flash cookies (.SOL files) with JAVA
2016年5月11日 · The user case scenario is quite simple: Given a *.SOL file I need to read all the text info (programmatically). PS.: From a similar question someone figured out that SOL files format is based on AMF, however I would like to know whether Adobe has opened the format or not. Thanks a lot,--Max
How to use pyomo to load *.sol file - Stack Overflow
2019年1月28日 · The external solver return a *.sol file. My question is that if pyomo or any package of python can decode the sol file, and pass the decision variable result into the original model. My question is that if pyomo or any package of python can decode the sol file, and pass the decision variable result into the original model.
optimization - Reading results of gurobi optimisation ("results.sol ...
2017年7月13日 · Instead of printing results to screen at every interval, I want to write each of the results using model.write("results.sol") - and then read them back into a results processing script (separate python script).
testing - How can I use .in and .sol files? - Stack Overflow
2013年4月28日 · If no other input/output conventions have been made clear to you, then my guess is that the .in and .sol files can be treated as text files with file extensions used as a method of distinction. In other words: Open the .in file as input using the appropriate methods of the programming language you're using as though it were a .txt file.
How to read a solution file (.sol) in cplex python API?
2020年3月30日 · I've been to trying to read a .sol file in cplex python API before solving the problem but couldn't find any command to do so. There are analogous commands for this operation in c++, c, and Java. There are analogous commands for …
c# - How can I edit .sol files in .NET? - Stack Overflow
2012年9月3日 · I want to learn the format of .sol files, so that I can add an entry to "C:\Users{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys" Or is there a way to . Open and view SOL files; Edit contents of SOL files; Create new SOL files. in .NET?
python - Analysing solution (.sol) file in pyomo - Stack Overflow
2018年9月5日 · I convert the pyomo model (ConcreteModel) into a problem.lp file with function model.write("problem.lp") in machine 1. Then I transfer this file to machine 2 and get the solution.sol file from the CPLEX solver. But names of the variables in the solution file is different from the names of the variables of the model.
Revert error when using getConversionRate PriceConverter file
2024年8月4日 · I am writing a fundMe test file where I run tests for my fundMe solidity contract. I am having a problem concerning calling a function called "getConversionRate" from a PriceConverter file, this takes in USD and converts it to ether currency. Now when I test it in my test file, it reverts.