OIII photosphere imaging - Solar Observing and Imaging
1 天前 · OIII photosphere imaging - posted in Solar Observing and Imaging: Hi, today seeing was medium - good and i was in a OIII photosphere mood.
Antlia Astronomy Filters
Provide a series of premium 3nm/2.5nm/4.5nm/7nm H-alpha, SII, and OIII narrowband imaging filters, LRGB-V filters, ALP-T dual-band 3nm/5nm filters, Triband filter, quad-band filter, filters for observing, filters for solar imaging, OAG, filter drawers, adapters, holders, and related astronomy accessories for deep-sky photography enthusiasts all ...
Solar in OIII & Ha w/ ASI1600 - Cloudy Nights
2017年8月18日 · Anyway...first serious solar image, acquired with the ASI1600MM-Cool, with a half-frame ROI, frame rate around 30fps. First in OIII: Only processing was with the Restoration filter in PixInsight, Weiner filtering. LOVE that filter for planetary work. If anyone has both RegiStax 6 and PI, I recommend they give the Restoration filter a try.
・發射星雲概觀 ,影像資料庫- [OIII] [SII] 波長 An overview of emission nebula
而 OIII 非常強同時也具有明顯 SII 特徵的天體也很適合拍攝窄頻黑白影像並以RGB哈伯色板合成SHO (SAO)假色的彩色影像(R,G,B=SII, H-alpha, OIII; 因為SII與Ha兩者是非常接近的波長/紅色,而將兩者--以兩種波長濾鏡拍攝成的黑白影像--指定、映射成對比色色板的哈伯色板 ...
业余天文滤镜 - 知乎
最常用的窄带滤镜(narrow bandpass filter--NB filter)是Ha(656.3nm),SII(671.6nm),OIII(500.7nm&496nm),这是根据星云的发射线而设计的滤镜,能够有效的提高该波段的对比度,突出目标天体中含有该波段的细节和层次,同时有效的抑制了其他波段,通常搭配黑白相机 ...
Solar images with the 300 mm Newtonian / OIII filter
2022年8月20日 · Solar images with the 300 mm Newtonian / OIII filter by christian viladrich » Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:10 pm Hello, Alex already posted some of the images he took with its various telescopes at St Véran during our two-week mission. I still have a lot of images to process.
Astronomik OIII CCD Visual Filters | High Point Scientific
Astronomik OIII filters are essential for obtaining fantastic nebula photos with improved contrast and detail in astrophotography. Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio enables detecting faint features in areas with abundant OIII emissions.
Continuum vs Oiii filter - Solar Observing and Imaging - Cloudy …
2025年1月2日 · My personal favorites for O-IIIs are the Astronomik visual filters. Not inexpensive but VERY well made, robust, tough and easy to use and care for, along with excellent contrast. In your case, just starting out with the wedge and additional filtering, If you do a lot of DSO work, the O-III is a good choice to try.
3.4.2023: first Cak imaging test + OIII - SolarChat!
2019年4月27日 · As expected nothing burned down and vignetting of the 12mm cak filter was managed with a barlow afterward. Seeing was not up to the magnification but at least i could …
The Oxygen III Telescope Eyepiece Filter | Astro-Observer
2024年10月2日 · Oxygen III filters, often abbreviated as OIII filters, are popular tools among amateur astronomers and astrophotographers. They are specialized narrowband filters designed to enhance the visibility of specific celestial objects, particularly nebulae.