New Elecraft KPA1500 Amplifier Presentation - QRZ Forums
May 22, 2018 · Thank you David, KG6IRW for an excellent and informative presentation on the Elecraft KPA1500 amplifier. What an awesome piece of equipment. KPA1500 solid-state amplifier won’t take over your entire desktop: it’s just 4.5 x 13.5 x 11.5”.
Palstar LA-1K Review – 1 kW Solid-State HF amplifier (6 to 160M)
Sep 21, 2018 · Here’s a full review of the Palstar LA-1K, it’s a 1 kW dual LDMOS solid-state HF linear. It covers from 6 to 160 meters. The LA-1K as RF sensing allowing automatic band switching without having to interface the radio. It has a very nice color display touch screen which includes a power meter and a live SWR meter. It supports up to 3 antennas.
HR2.0 - RF-Kit RF2K-S Amp - Ham Radio Amplifier, Legal Limit ...
Jun 2, 2022 · This is a list of most all solid state HF amplifiers past and present that have been commercially available. Along with type acceptance numbers, type of device used and other data. Enjoy 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" 2 miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily This is just a snapshot of a small portion of that spread comparison sheet.
Issue #18: A Smart New Solid State Linear Amp from ACOM (Tiny!)
May 11, 2023 · Owning an Elecraft KPA500 amplifier for years; { that doesn't care what antenna tuner is used } it seems the main advantage to this higher price Acom is it weighs less. With the KPA500 I can and have bought 120v and 240v power cords and fuses.
Issue #18: A Smart New Solid State Linear Amp from ACOM (Tiny!)
May 11, 2023 · Makes my FL-2100B look better and better every day. Not solid state, no 160 or WARC band coverage, but will do 500 all day long on 240V. Paid $400 CAD for it many years ago in mint condition. Mostly run it at 300 or 400 out to put less strain on the xcvr. Would love a new solid state amp, but just not in the budget.
Palstar LA-1K Review – 1 kW Solid-State HF amplifier (6 to 160M)
Jul 4, 2023 · That was a great presentation. The thing I saw that no one mentioned is how quicky the temp rose in the amp. Based on one second key downs and maybe 8 of them the temp rose from 26C to 3
Alpha ships first AP8410 amplifier | QRZ Forums
Jan 28, 2009 · Alpha Power Ships First 8410 Amplifier Alpha Radio Products LLC announced today that the first production AP8410 amplifier shipped from its Boulder, Colorado facility. The AP8410 is the latest in the line of legal-limit (1.5-kilowatt output) tetrode amplifiers from …
New AMERITRON 500 Watt Mobile with Remote Head - QRZ Forums
May 3, 2005 · Ameritron's ALS-500M, $849, solid state mobile amplifier gives you 500 Watts PEP SSB or 400 Watts CW output! Just turn it on and operate - no warm-up, no tuning, and has instant bandswitching. Its super compact size fits in very small spaces in the automobile! New! ALS-500RC, $49, Remote Head lets you mount the ALS-500M
HR2.0 - RF-Kit RF2K-S Amp - Ham Radio Amplifier, Legal Limit ...
Jun 2, 2022 · I'm probably doing homebrew if I go solid state. The mercury will fit my needs, but I'd like more headroom. As an AM operator dissipation is king. I'm looking at doing a pair of 1.8k devices and a dupkexer for output filtering. Wrapped with predistortion. Or the rf kit. The wallet hasn't been pulled out yet.
Issue #32: VK-AMPS Expands the Ultra High-Power Linear Amp …
Dec 14, 2023 · My next amplifier will be a solid state unit ( I grow weary of the tuning process on tube amps), and this one is now on my list of possible "to-get's". Of course, I'd need to get a 240v line run into the shack beforehand, but I know a guy! Guess the final selection is going to depend on how well I score with the holiday scratch-off's this year!