scientist’s guide to Solifugae: how solifuges could advance …
2023年12月30日 · Here, we review the current solifuge literature through the lens of conceptual research areas in ecology, evolution, and behaviour and propose ways in which solifuges can contribute to research in specific subfields, as follows: (i) ecology: community and trophic dynamics; connecting food webs; habitat specialization; and biodiversity and conser...
Neglected no longer: Phylogenomic resolution of higher-level ...
2023年9月15日 · Yet, dark branches persist, principally among groups occurring in cryptic habitats. Among chelicerates, Solifugae (“camel spiders”) is the last order lacking a higher-level phylogeny and have thus been historically characterized as “neglected [arachnid] cousins”.
Biology, Behavior, and Ecology - Solifugae
Solifugids are one of the dominant predatory arthropods in arid ecosystems and extreme arid ecosystems where there is little vegetation (e.g., rocky habitats and dune systems), and also serve as important prey for such vertebrates as exist in these habitats (Punzo 1998).
Neglected no longer: Phylogenomic resolution of higher-level ...
2023年9月9日 · A time-calibrated phylogeny of Solifugae recovers Paleozoic radiation (A) A maximum likelihood phylogeny of Chelicerata with all Solifugae families represented, time-calibrated using fossils reconstructed using the UCE dataset for occupancy 25%.
Even in the environments where they thrive, Solifugae usually make themselves apparent only during the hot season. They avoid oases and other fertile places, seeming to prefer utterly neglected regions where the soil is broken and bare (Cloudsley-Thompson, 1958; …
scientist’s guide to Solifugae: how solifuges could advance …
2023年12月30日 · In this article, we introduce one of these ‘lower animals’, the arachnid order Solifugae, as an animal group that can contribute to addressing a range of questions and associated problems in ecology, evolution, and behaviour.
Fossil History - Solifugae
While living camel spiders are predominantly associated with arid habitats or even deserts, the Coal Measures from which Prosolpuga originates are interpreted as a rather swampy forest environment. The next oldest fossils come from the ca. 115 million year old Crato Formation in north-eastern Brazil (Cretaceous: Aptian) (Selden & Shear, 1996 ...
Phylogenomic data reveal three new families of poorly studied Solifugae …
2024年2月1日 · We leveraged ultraconserved elements (UCEs) to test the phylogenetic placement of three key lineages of Solifugae that cause these anomalous distributions: Dinorhax rostrumpsittaci (putative melanoblossid), Namibesia (putative daesiid), and …
科学家的 Solifugae 指南:solifugae 如何推进生态学、进化和行 …
Here, we review the current solifuge literature through the lens of conceptual research areas in ecology, evolution, and behaviour and propose ways in which solifuges can contribute to research in specific subfields, as follows: (i) ecology: community and trophic dynamics; connecting food webs; habitat specialization; and biodiversity and conser...
Taxonomy and Phylogeny - Solifugae
Recent studies using molecular data have robustly resolved the higher-level phylogenetic relationships of Solifugae lineages (Kulkarni et al. 2023, 2024); however, among the families, only the North American Eremobatidae has received significant phylogenetic attention (Cushing et …
A scientist’s guide to Solifugae: how solifuges could advance …
2023年12月30日 · Electrophysiology results suggest a mechanosensory role of elongated sensilla on the 4th walking legs of solifuge, and behavioral experiments show that these sensilla are not sensitive enough to detect air particle movement but respond to …
Solifugae (solifuges, solifugids, solpugids) - biodiversity explorer
Solifuges are solitary, have no venom glands and are not a threat to people although they are very aggressive and fast moving and can inflict a painful bite. The name of the solifuge originates from the Latin ‘solifuga’ (a kind of venomous ant, or spider) that is in turn derived from ‘fugere’ (to flee; fly, run away) and ‘sol’ (sun).
Solifugae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Solifugae, or solpugids, are desert arachnids with large distinctive curved chelicerae, often as long as the cephalothorax (Fig. 4.48). They are ferocious predators capable of rapid movement.
Physiology - Solifugae
Solifuges are characterized by an apomorphic, highly complex tracheal system with spiracles that allows for direct O2 provision and CO2 elimination.
An Introduction to the Solifugae - SpringerLink
The solifuges (Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida, Order Solifugae) represent a group of cursorial arachnids that are rather primitive in appearance. Most of the 900 or so species of solifuges (representing 12 families) inhabit tropical and subtropical desert regions in Africa and Asia, and the Americas.
WAC - Solifugae - Natural History Museum of Bern
The first Mesozoic Solifugae (Arachnida), from the Cretaceous of Brazil, and a redescription of Palaeozoic Solifugae. Palaeontology 39 : 583–604. -- Show included taxa
Life History - Solifugae
Newly hatched solifuges have been called larvae or post-embryos, and the few species that have been illustrated (Croneberg 1887, Lawrence 1947, 1963, Cloudsley-Thompson 1961a, 1967, Junqua 1966, Thaler 1982) vary considerably in appearance.
A scientist’s guide to Solifugae: how solifuges could advance …
Here, we review the current solifuge literature through the lens of conceptual research areas in ecology, evolution, and behaviour and propose ways in which solifuges can contribute to research in specific subfields, as follows: (i) ecology: community and trophic dynamics; connecting food webs; habitat specialization; and biodiversity and conser...
Marine sulphate captures a Paleozoic transition to a modern …
2025年3月1日 · The triple oxygen isotope composition of sulphate minerals has been used to constrain the evolution of Earth’s surface environment (e.g., pO 2, pCO 2 and gross primary productivity) throughout ...
Anatomy and Morphology - Solifugae
Most solifuges are superficially similar in overall appearance; their morphology reflecting an errant, hunting lifestyle in the mostly arid environments where they are one of the dominant invertebrate predators. Nevertheless, there are interesting variations that …