Products | SOMNICS
Sleep well, wherever you are. iNAP® is a new, patient-preferred, non-surgical device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults of all severities- mild, moderate, and severe.
產品介紹 | SOMNICS
iNAP One 利用負壓牽引口腔軟組織,維持舌顎後方呼吸道通暢,使患者可以自然呼吸,達到治療阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)目的。 產品透過軟質舒適的口部介面傳遞負壓,主機輕巧僅約手機大小,採鋰電池供電,易於攜帶且近乎無聲運轉,提高OSA患者治療的便利性 ...
Home - iNAP Sleep | The most comfortable Sleep Apnea solution
iNAP is a new oral negative pressure device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults. The system uses a soft, flexible mouthpiece, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console the size of a smartphone to deliver a light, oral vacuum during sleep to comfortably keep the airway open while breathing normally through the nose.
Somnics iNap Sleep Apnea Therapy System - Sleep Doctor
The Intraoral Negative Air Pressure (iNAP) system is an alternative to traditional CPAP therapy. Instead of using a mask that sits under the nose or covers the face, the iNAP is placed inside the mouth. The device then uses gentle suction to pull the tongue forward and open up …
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SOMNICS INC. | 創新睡眠呼吸中止治療方案 | Taiwan
Somnics develops in innovative technologies for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Without masks and surgery, our iNAP® Sleep Therapy System provides a comfortable and discreet treatment for patients.
Buy iNAP Sleep Therapy System Online from Somnics - Max Care …
Start your reverse PAP treatment today with the Intraoral Negative Air Pressure (iNAP) sleep apnea therapy system! While you are asleep, the iNAP delivers a gentle suction inside the mouth, moving the tongue forward and away from your airway.
iNAP負壓呼吸器 - 無需面罩與綁帶的呼吸器。
iNAP delivers a gentle suction inside the oral cavity, moving the tongue forward and away from the airway. When you’re ready for bed, simply insert the mouthpiece and click on the power button. iNAP's intermittent negative airway pressure effectively eliminates apnea by keeping the airway open and allowing you to breathe naturally and sleep ...
iNAP Is Negative Oral Pressure Therapy for Sleep Apnea - Sleep …
2022年4月20日 · Somnics Health unveils iNAP, a new oral negative pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients. Somnics was established in 2011 in Taiwan, and after receiving FDA clearance for its iNAP device in May 2020, …
Somnics iNAP Starter Kit Alternative Sleep Therapy Device ...
The iNAP Starter Kit by Somnics Health is a revolutionary new device for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This unique device is clinically proven to help you sleep better while providing added convenience, meaning n o mask …
FDA Approves Somnics iNAP Sleep Therapy Pressure Titration …
2023年6月23日 · Somnics Inc. announces that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted clearance for the company’s groundbreaking capability to change the negative pressure setting of the iNAP Sleep therapy device. This innovative feature will significantly enhance the success of OSA treatment and empower physicians to titrate the device using ...