SOMUA MCG - Wikipedia
The SOMUA MCG was a half-track artillery tractor and recovery vehicle of the French forces during World War II. Manufactured by the Somua company it was used to tow medium artillery pieces such as the 155 mm mle 1917 howitzer and the 105 mm mle 1936 field gun, as well as their specific ammunition trailers. Of this main version 345 were produced ...
Somua MCL - Wikipedia
Il Somua MCL era un trattore d'artiglieria e veicolo da recupero semicingolato per carri armati francese, impiegato durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
Reihenwerfer - Wikipedia
The SOMUA MCL was given the German designation S303(f) and the mle 27/31 was given the designation GrW 278(f). The Reihenwerfer consisted of 20 GrW 278(f) barrels in two rows of 10 which were mounted on a common framework that was attached to a base mounted on the back of an armored S303(f) chassis.
Somua MCL - Kfz. der Wehrmacht
The heavier and stronger variant of the Somua half-track vehicle – the Somua MCL 5 – was characterised by the Wehrmacht as Zugkraftwagen S 303 (f). Armoured special vehicles were based on its chassis, too. Six exemplars of the 8 cm Vielfachwerfer – an armoured self propelled rocket launcher - were made.
Somua - Wikipedia
Somua, an acronym for Société d'outillage mécanique et d'usinage d'artillerie, was a French company that manufactured machinery and vehicles. A subsidiary of Schneider-Creusot, Somua was based in Saint-Ouen, a suburb of Paris.
somua mcl - Axis History Forum
2005年1月31日 · SOMUA MCL5 and MCL11 artillery tractors 15 pieces of this halftracked artillery tractor used by the French army in 1939. The tractor towed the 155mm GPF field guns.
SOMUA MCG - Wikiwand
The SOMUA MCG was a half-track artillery tractor and recovery vehicle of the French forces during World War II.
Tracteur lourd de dépannage de chars SOMUA MCL 5 : France (FRA)
The Somua MCL 5 vehicles were designed in the first half of the 1930s as an unarmoured artillery tractor, they were half-track vehicles with a construction derived from the patents of Ing. Kegrés, according to which a number of vehicles were constructed at that time. Along with the MCL type, a smaller MCG was also produced.
Somua Éalèse l€s crr'lindres à 1 18 mm. Dév* oppant90 ch,le nouveau moteur prend l'appellalion de l'/ 23 et leslracleurs de sédequien sontéqripés rcçoivenl la désiqnation comp èie, peu usilée, de M 23 CLA5. ... - MCL 5 de dépannâge de cha.s, nauveau nadèle:
MCG SOMUA - AcademiaLab
El SOMUA MCG fue un tractor de artillería semioruga y un vehículo de recuperación de las fuerzas francesas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Fabricado por la empresa Somua, se utilizó para remolcar piezas de artillería media como el obús MLE 1917 de 155 mm y el cañón de campaña MLE 1936 de 105 mm, así como sus remolques específicos ...