SBM Offshore optimizes FPSO N’Goma project loan
2019年12月9日 · SBM Offshore is pleased to announce the closure of a supplemental non-recourse project loan facility of US$250 million. The facility is related to the entity Sonasing Xikomba Ltd., which owns the FPSO N’Goma operating offshore Angola.
Newly named N’Goma FPSO sails away from Paenal yard to ... - SBM …
2014年7月22日 · The FPSO is owned by the company Sonasing (Shareholders: SBM Offshore, Sonangol and Angolan Offshore Services). FPSO Xikomba was disconnected from Angola Block 15 in 2011 where it had operated for eight years. SBM has converted the FPSO, renamed it as N’Goma, and it will be operated by OPS.
2011年12月14日 · SBM Offshore is pleased to announce on behalf of its Joint Venture companies with Sonangol, Sonasing and OPS that contracts for the twelve year charter and operation of FPSO Xikomba for the block 15/06 development, offshore Angola have …
Xikomba Oil Field - Offshore Technology
2006年11月24日 · The FPSO is owned by Sonasing, a joint venture between SBM and Sonangol. It is based on the conversion of the former VLCC tanker Mosocean. The oil is stored in twelve crude oil tanks, although the vessel also has two slop tanks for the cleaned produced water, as well as three water ballast tanks.
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206 - SBM OFFSHORE ANNUAL REPORT 2021 4.3.30 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES AND JOINT VENTURES The Company has several joint ventures and associates: Entity name Partners Joint venture/ Associate % of ownership Country registration 2021 main reporting segment Project name Sonasing Xikomba Ltd. Sociedad Nacional de …
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sbm offshore annual report 2023 - 219 The movements in investments in associates and joint ventures are as follows: Share Purchase Agreements signed with Sonangol entities
SBM Offshore readies N’Goma FPSO offshore Angola
2015年1月15日 · The FPSO is owned by Sonasing and operated by OPS, a joint venture company formed by SBM Offshore (50%) and Sonangol (50%). N’Goma was previously on hire as FPSO Xikomba and was disconnected in 2011 from …
SBM OFFSHORE : Twelve year lease and operate contract for FPSO …
2011年12月14日 · SONASING and OPS, two joint venture companies of SONANGOL and SBM Offshore N.V. are pleased to announce the contracts with ENI Angola have been signed for the twelve year lease and operation of the FPSO Xikomba for …
Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures - SBM Offshore
Information on loans and borrowings of joint ventures and associates. 1 Please refer to note 4.3.16 'Loans to joint-ventures and associates' for presentation of the carrying amount of these loans in the Company's Consolidated Statement of financial position. Aggregated information on joint ventures and associates.
N’Goma FPSO Producing and On Hire - SBM Offshore
2015年1月15日 · The FPSO is owned by Sonasing and operated by OPS, a Joint Venture company formed by SBM Offshore (50%) and Sonangol (50%). N’Goma FPSO was previously on hire as FPSO Xikomba and was disconnected in 2011 from Block 15 offshore Angola after concluding eight years of operations.