Yun S. Song - University of California, Berkeley
Yun S. Song Professor of Computer Science and Statistics at UC Berkeley. I work in mathematical and computational biology. I am a core member of the Center for Computational Biology and the UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Program in Computational Precision Health. A note on my name: There are only 7 characters in my first and last names combined ...
Tan Song Yun (谭松韵) - MyDramaList
Tan Song Yun, or Seven, is an award-winning actor, singer and model born in Luzhou, Sichuan, China. A graduate of Beijing Film Academy, she got her start as a child actor in 2005 when she filmed the TV series “Wild Chrysanthemum” (山菊花).
Song Yun - Wikipedia
Song Yun or Songyun (fl. 510s & 520s) was a Chinese Buddhist monk who travelled to medieval India from the Tuoba Northern Wei kingdom during China's Northern and Southern dynastic period at the behest of the Empress Hu.
Yun S. Song | EECS at UC Berkeley
Yun S. Song is a professor of EECS and Statistics working in mathematical and computational biology.
谭松韵 - 百度百科
谭松韵,1990年5月31日出生于四川省泸州市叙永县,中国内地影视女演员,毕业于北京电影学院表演系。 2005年,因拍摄电视剧《好好过日子》而开始接触表演。 2012年,因在清宫剧《甄嬛传》中扮演方淳意一角而受到关注。 2013年,参加“爱心书包”公益活动发布会,并成为此次活动的形象大使。 2016年,凭借网络剧《最好的我们》获得爱奇艺尖叫之夜年度最具潜力演员;同年,参演的爱情电影《微微一笑很倾城》上映。 ... >>> 谭松韵,1990年5月31日出生于四川省泸州 …
Tan Songyun - Wikipedia
Tan Songyun (born 31 May 1990), also known as Seven, is a Chinese actress, singer and model. She is best known for her roles in television series The Whirlwind Girl (2015), With You (2016), The Fox's Summer (2017), Under The Power (2019), Go Ahead (2020), The Sword and the Brocade (2021), and Flight To You (2023).
Yun S. Song | Department of Statistics
I am a professor in EECS and Statistics. I received BS degrees in mathematics and physics from MIT, and a PhD in physics from Stanford University. My research centers around …
譚松韻 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
譚松韻 (英語: Seven Tan,1990年5月31日 —), 四川省 泸州市 人, 中国大陆 女演员,本名譚晶晶,2005年15歲成為 童星 出道。 北京电影学院 2007级表演系高职班毕业。 21岁时因《後宫甄嬛傳》而为人所知, 並在2019年入選2019 福布斯 中國30位30歲以下精英榜。 2021年憑藉在電視劇《以家人之名》中飾演李尖尖入圍 第27屆上海電視節白玉蘭獎 女主角提名 [3]。 譚松韻粉絲名為「松果」。 譚松韻的名字出自 白居易 《題盧秘書夏日新栽竹二十韻》,文中寫道:「松韻 …
Yun S. Song - University of California, Berkeley
2001 -- 2002: Visiting Scholar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford: 2002 -- 2004: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
Yun S. Song - University of California, Berkeley
PhD Thesis Title: Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Understanding Spatial Biology and Cellular Communication. Yun Deng (PhD, 2024. Jointly advised by Rasmus Nielsen)) On to Stanford as postdoc. PhD Thesis Title: Advanced statistical and algorithmic methods for Ancestral Recombination Graph. Peter McMahon (2008.
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