Sonic Foundation – Linux Foundation Project
What is SONiC? Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) is an open source network operating system (NOS) based on Linux that runs on switches from multiple vendors and ASICs. SONiC offers a full suite of network functionality, like BGP and RDMA, that has been production-hardened in the data centers of some of the largest cloud service ...
SONiC (operating system) - Wikipedia
The Software for Open Networking in the Cloud or alternatively abbreviated and stylized as SONiC, is a free and open source network operating system based on Linux. It was originally developed by Microsoft and the Open Compute Project .
Quick Start · sonic-net/SONiC Wiki - GitHub
2023年5月3日 · GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2+e4a1fe391. SONiC Login prompt. Use username admin and password YourPaSsWoRd to login for the first time. Note: By default, the SONiC console baud rate is 9600. You may need to change the baud rate in case you cannot see anything from the console after reboot.
SONiC/doc/SONiC-User-Manual.md at master · sonic-net/SONiC - GitHub
SONiC is an open source network operating system based on Linux that runs on switches from multiple vendors and ASICs. SONiC offers a full-suite of network functionality, like BGP and RDMA, that has been production-hardened in the data centers of some of the largest cloud-service providers.
SONiC系统概要、使用及移植 - CSDN博客
2024年1月23日 · 本文详细介绍了SONiC(Software for Open Networking in the Cloud)操作系统,涵盖其系统架构、主要组件如Teamd、Pmon、Snmp、Dhcp-relay等容器的职责,以及编译、安装和移植过程。 SONiC基于Linux,支持多种硬件平台,提供了一整套网络功能,包括BGP、LLDP、SNMP等。 在移植过程中,需要关注平台驱动、硬件SKU配置、SONiC Platform API等,并验证光模块、PSU等硬件功能。 文章还介绍了如何使用CLI配置和管理SONiC,以及BSP …
SONiC学习笔记(二):核心组件 - Soul Orbit
2023年4月29日 · 这个容器可以说是SONiC中最关键的容器了,它是SONiC的大脑,里面运行着大量的*syncd和*mgrd服务,用来管理交换机方方面面的配置,比如Port,neighbor,ARP,VLAN,Tunnel等等等等。
GitHub - aristanetworks/sonic: Open source drivers and …
This package provides open source hardware support for Arista products. It is mainly targeted at SONiC OS (debian based) though this repository should build and work on any operating system. For more details visit the SONiC website. During normal operations, the platform is initialized at boot time via a set of systemd services.
通过GNS3快速搭建本地SONiC Lab - Soul Orbit
2023年4月19日 · 在本地运行SONiC的方法很好几种,比如docker + vswitch,p4软交换机等等,对于初次使用而言,用GNS3可能是最方便快捷的了,所以本文就以GNS3为例,介绍一下如何在本地搭建一个SONiC的Lab。
SONiC is an open source network operating system based on Linux that runs on switches from multiple vendors and ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits). SONiC offers a full-suite of network functionality, like BGP and RDMA, that has been production-hardened in the data centers of some of the largest cloud-service providers.
SONIC NOS介绍(官方文档完美翻译) - CSDN博客
2024年3月4日 · Sonic 开源项目教程 项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/sonic4/sonic 项目介绍 Sonic 是一个高性能、轻量级的开源语音识别框架。它旨在为开发者提供一个简单易用的接口,以便快速集成语音识别功能到各种应用中。
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