Sony Alpha a9 II Full Frame Mirrorless Digital Camera | ILCE9M2
Groundbreaking full-frame Exmor RSTM CMOS sensor and BIONZ XTM processor team up for 20fps continuous shooting with AF/AE tracking. Stunning high-speed performance and ample …
Sony A9 Mark II 評測報告 運動攝影的極致展現 - Mobile01
2019年11月5日 · Sony 的最高黑科技旗艦全幅機 A9 歷經兩年的時間,在上個月推出了下個世代的旗艦機種 A9II,搭載了與前代相同的感光元件與影像處理器、每秒20張連拍與93%對焦點的覆蓋範圍。
Sony a9 II review - Digital Photography Review
2020年8月19日 · With oversampled 4K video, the a9 II is great for casual run-and-gun video shooting, but it lacks some options that experienced users will miss. It's compact, it's a great value, and its autofocus system will all-but-guarantee that you'll just 'get the shot.' Read why we give the a9 II a gold award here. Check out how the a9 II performs right here.
Sony Alpha a9 II Mirrorless Digital Camera (a9II Body) ILCE9M2/B
The second generation of speed, the Sony a9 II takes the impressive feature-set of its predecessor and adds enhanced connectivity, a refined body design, and even quicker performance. Utilizing the proven 24.2MP full-frame Exmor RS BSI stacked CMOS sensor and an updated BIONZ X processor, the a9 II sports especially quick and responsive ...
索尼ILCE-9M2_Sony ILCE-9M2_微单™/单电数码相机|报价,价格,配 …
索尼ilce-9m2,在线购买sony ilce-9m2,了解最全的索尼 ilce-9m2图片,报价,介绍信息,最新的索尼ilce-9m2配置,报价信息,尽在索尼中国在线商城.
a9ii 具備AF自動對焦的全片幅相機 | ILCE-9M2 | Sony Taiwan
探索Sony索尼ILCE-9M2全片幅無反相機,配備AF自動對焦/自動曝光功能、a9ii / α9 II 、機械 快門、無反光鏡設計,體驗靜音拍攝和高速連拍。 a9ii 具備AF自動對焦的全片幅相機 | ILCE-9M2 | Sony Taiwan
Sony a9 II Mirrorless Camera: 24.2MP Full Frame Mirrorless ...
SONY ALPHA A9 II: Compact professional cameras mastered for sports photography and photojournalism ; SUPERIOR SPEED: Fastest 35mm full-frame 24. 2MP stacked Exmore RS CMOS sensor with integrated memory ; FASTER AUTO FOCUS: Up to 20fps at full resolution with 60 AF/AE tracking calculations per second
配備專業功能的 Alpha 9 II 全片幅相機 | ILCE-9M2 | Sony Hong …
α9 II 的先進特性滿足專業工作流程的需要,包括精妙的操作設計;提升支援戶外拍攝能力的網絡連接功能;堅固而且便攜的可靠度;以及無可比擬的速度。 和自動對焦/自動曝光追蹤功能。 極佳的高速處理性能配上強大的緩衝器,讓你能夠捕捉各種關鍵時刻。 電子快門無需一般單反式相機的反光鏡動作,達致零取景中斷時間。 即使按下快門,也可無間斷地持續檢視主體;在連續拍攝期間,提供 60fps 即時檢視和將顯示延遲減至最低。 AF/AE 計算多達每秒 60 次。 光線可進入影 …
如何评价 10 月 3 日索尼新发布的 A9M2(A9II)相机?有哪些亮 …
2019年10月4日 · Alpha 9 II采用了备受好评的约2420万有效像素Exmor RS™ CMOS堆栈式全画幅影像传感器,并且内置存储。 Alpha 9 II可以约20张/秒的速度进行无黑屏静音连拍,最高可连续拍摄361张JPEG图片8或239张压缩RAW图片。 当使用机械快门时,Alpha 9 II 可提供10张/秒高速连拍,相当于Alpha 9连拍速度的约2倍。 备受好评的意思,我是不是可以理解为cmos没变。 合着就是把原本5张/秒的机械快门提高到了10张/秒,而20张/秒的无声电子快门没变? 本来a7r4就已 …
Sony Alpha 9 II full-frame camera with pro capability
Groundbreaking full-frame Exmor RS TM CMOS sensor and BIONZ X TM processor team up for 20fps continuous shooting with AF/AE tracking. Stunning high-speed performance and ample buffer let you capture the decisive moment. Electronic shutter …