索尼ILCE-7C_Sony ILCE-7C_微单™/单电数码相机|报价,价格,配置,详 …
Alpha 7C是一款时尚小巧,轻量便携的全画幅相机,同时具备先进的自动对焦和4K *1 视频拍摄等专业性能。与新开发的紧凑型FE 28-60mm F4-5.6标准变焦镜头搭配使用时,可提供与众不同的拍摄体验,大幅提高了便携性和专业性,同时又提供了出色的全画幅影像拍摄能力。
Sony Alpha 7C Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera - Black (ILCE7C/B)
The world’s smallest and lightest1 full-frame camera - without compromise. Featuring 24.2MP2 backside illuminated sensor, 4K movie3 with full-pixel readout, flip-out LCD and 5-axis in-body image stabilization. Ideal for every photographer on …
- 评论数: 129
Sony a7C review: Compact size, big sensor image quality
2020年10月27日 · The Sony a7C is the company's latest and smallest full-frame interchangeable lens camera. It fits a 24MP full-frame sensor and image stabilization into a body more closely resembling the APS-C sensor a6600.
Alpha 7C II – Full-frame Interchangeable Lens Hybrid Camera
Compact and lightweight, the α7C II is the full-frame camera that you can take anywhere. Packed with cutting-edge performance for both stills and movies, it’s ready for your next adventure.
如何评价索尼新发布的 A7C,有哪些亮点和不足?与 A7M3、A7R3 …
2020年9月15日,索尼(中国)有限公司正式发布全画幅微单 Alpha 7C。 Alpha 7C,具备约2,420万有效像素全画幅影像传感器和BION… 看完A7C新机的参数,拿大法自家产品 A6600、A7C、A7M3、A7R3 简单做了个对比: A7C毕竟含了个“7”,定位是高于A6600的,这没啥问题; 但是拿来跟A7M3比发现,参数上基本没啥区别,最主要的就是 对焦实时追踪 的这个功能(包括视频里也可用),这没啥说的,虽然A7M3的对焦性能已经很强了,但是多个实时追焦,有肯定 …
SONY Alpha 7C - 百度百科
sony alpha 7c(别称:sony α7c、sony a7c,型号:sony ilce-7c)是索尼(sony)于2020年9月15日发布的微单相机产品。 SONY Alpha 7C搭配两种不同的的配色,一种为银色,一种为纯黑色;相机重量约为509克(包括电池和SD存储卡) ;机身长度为124.0毫米,宽度为71.1毫米,高度 …
Sony Alpha 7C Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera - Silver (ILCE7C/S)
The world’s smallest and lightest1 full-frame camera - without compromise. Featuring 24.2MP2 backside illuminated sensor, 4K movie3 with full-pixel readout, flip-out LCD and 5-axis in-body image stabilization. Ideal for every photographer on …
- 评论数: 194
Sony Alpha 7C Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera - Silver | ILCE7C
In combination with an FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens, the α7C achieves uncompromising full-frame quality with the world's smallest and lightest 2 camera and lens system. Compact in size but meeting high expectations for image quality, AF and speed, it's truly an all-round performer, ready to enhance your creativity wherever you go.
Sony - Alpha 7C Full-frame Mirrorless Camera - Black
Sony Alpha 7C – small and light Full Frame Compact Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with 24.2MP backside illuminated sensor, 4K video, side flip-out LCD and 5-axis in-body image stabilization
【索尼A7C】报价_参数_图片_论坛_SONY Alpha 7C,ILCE-7C,α7C索 …
索尼 A7C 全画幅微单相机,搭载了 2420 万像素全画幅传感器,具备 693 个相位检测自动对焦点以及 425 个对比检测自动对焦点。 机身支持 5 轴防抖,可实现 5 级防抖补偿效果。 在连拍方面,A7C 相机在 AF/AE 追踪模式下可实现 10 [阅读全文] 索尼大法好,成功入坑,看了很多款相机,最后还是选了外观符合我审美的一款,重量轻,拿手上不费力,方便,很不错,全画幅成像效果一流、画质超棒、体积小巧、镜头可玩性强、翻转触控屏优秀 最近在看微单,A7C最吸引 …
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