Sony BVM-E250 Trimaster EL OLED Master Monitor BVM-E250 B&H - B&H Photo ...
2020年7月7日 · Buy Sony BVM-E250 Trimaster EL OLED Master Monitor (24.62" / 625.35mm) featuring Resolution - up to 1920 x 1080 (full HD), Super Top Emission OLED Display Panel, Micro-cavity Structure, Optical Resonance Effect, 12-bit Digital Signal Processing, Nonlinear Cubic Conversion, 10-bit Panel Driver, Screen Width-24.62" (625.348mm), Input …
BVM-E250 Discontinued - Sony Professional
The BVM-E250 monitor can accept almost any SD or HD video format, both analogue and digital, and variable computer signals up to 1920 × 1080. In addition to the standard inputs, four option board slots are offered to configure this monitor according to different user needs.
The BVM-F250 and BVM-F170 inherit the same technology and performance of BVM-E Series master monitors, and are optimized for TV production and broadcasting applications. The groundbreaking BVM-E250 and BVM-E170 are Sony’s …
BVM-E250 24.5-inch Full-HD Reference OLED Monitor Overview Professional applications For professional applications such as colour grading, high-end editing, broadcasting and scientific research, Sony's leading edge Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) technology and signals processing technology ensures absolutely outstanding performance with ...
【二次更新多图预警】最近有幸入手了一台BVM-E250 索尼OLED …
2020年7月30日 · 这款使用了最高BVM级别的STE-OLED,得以实现实测 ΔE<0.3 变态般的色准。 搭配12bit驱动,响应速度媲美CRT,不会有液晶的运动模糊拖影。 搭配PS4玩十分完美。 可高清可低解,低解有原生扫描线。 还可以顺便怀旧一波老游戏。 还是想说,索尼大法好! 卧槽 这啥玩样 淘宝只找到一家卖的22W人民币? 好棒。 搜了一下价格后. 是不是可以去广电单位看看有没有处理的,差不多到年限可以淘汰了。 啊这,豪无人性... 确实太厉害了,这个开箱感觉是站内最 …
Sony is proud to introduce its much-anticipated BVM-E Series of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) master monitors: the BVM-E250 – 24.5-inch (623.4 mm, diag.) and BVM-E170 – 16.5-inch (420.0 mm, diag.). Only Sony has the capability to develop products such as these, as the company builds on over 30 years of CRT
BVM-E250 | 放送・業務用モニター | | 法人のお客様 | ソニー
忠実な黒の再現性と高い動画応答性、色再現に優れた映像制作の新基準器。 25型フルHDパネル搭載の有機ELマスターモニター.
- [PDF]
BVM-E250 - ソニー
bvm-e250は、忠実な黒の再現性と高い動画応答性、色再現に優れた映像制作の新基準器。 25型fullhdパネル搭載の有機elマスターモニターです。
Sony BVM-E250/BVM-E170 - OLED-Info
2011年2月6日 · Sony's new range of TriMaster EL are professional Full-HD OLED monitors. They come in two sizes, the 25" BVM-E250 and the 17" BVM-E170. The monitors offer hyper-accurate color reproduction and 'perfect' image quality without motion blur due to …
索尼开发25寸全高清OLED专业屏幕 - 快科技
索尼今天宣布开发出全高清专业级OLED屏幕TRIMASTER EL,它可以呈现出纯正黑度色彩、动态响应速度快、色彩还原能力强。 TRIMASTER EL分为17寸(BVM-E170)、25寸(BVM-E250)两种机型,分别将在今年5月1号、7月1号上市,售价131.25万日元(约10.3万元)和241.5万日元(约19万元)。 该专业显示器采用纤薄铝制机身设计,厚度148mm,它搭载新开发的OLED面板,由于自发光特性它可呈现出深黑色彩,索尼独家的顶部微腔发光(Super Top …
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