Sony CLIÉ NX Series - Wikipedia
The Clie NX, were a series of handheld PDAs made by Sony, their first running the Palm OS 5.0 operating system. They had a clam-shell form factor, with a vertical rotatable screen. Most of these models also had a rotatable camera built in. The NX series succeeds the NR series.
Sony NX70 | Tutorial | Berkeley Advanced Media Institute
This is an instructional tutorial on how to operate the Sony HXR-NX70U, or professionally called, Sony NX70 to improve your visual storytelling.
Open search icon - Sony Professional
For journalists, documentary makers and anyone else who needs capture superb content whatever the conditions, the dust and rain-proof HXR-NX70N is the perfect compact camcorder.
【索尼HXR-NX70C】报价_参数_图片_论坛_SONY HXR-NX70C索尼 …
2018年9月26日 · 1、采用1/2.88的Exmor R CMOS芯片,成像质量有保障; 2、低照度做到3LUX,暗环境早点较小; 3、电池内置于机身中,防尘、防水做的比较好; 4、整机全副武装只有1285克,外置话筒克拆卸,携带方便; 5、使用短记忆棒,同时兼容SD卡,高清标清兼备,格式选择方便。 1、仍然采用37mm的10倍变焦镜头,未免有点小气; 2、电池内置,散热问题有待改善。 一部不错的便携专业机,希望价格在15000元以内。
Sony HXR-NX70 Review - YouTube
Peter Jestadt explains the nine reasons he purchased the Sony HXR NX70. I had a Groovy time making this video. Flower Power.
HXR-NX70J | 映像制作機器 XDCAM/NXCAM - ソニー
防塵・防滴仕様を実現し、高い機動性を発揮する小型のNXCAMカムコーダー。 96GBのメモリーを内蔵し、1080/60p記録にも対応. ページを正しく表示できませんでした。 ブラウザのリ …
SONY索尼 HXR-NX70C说明书下载|数码摄像机 - SONY索尼|说明 …
数码摄像机 - sony索尼hxr-nx70c。 说明书之家—提供最全最新的产品的使用说明书、使用手册和产品测评资讯,快速、多通道的免费下载深受用户满意。 说明书库
Open search icon - Sony Professional
Sony’s full-frame 6K sensor camera with Fast Hybrid AF, Dual Base ISO and S-Cinetone™ colour science. Read more >
The Sony HXR-NX70 is a compact rain & dust-proof NXCAM camcorder designed for journalists, documentary makers and anyone else who needs capture superb content whatever the conditions. Recording frame rate (Due to variable bitrate, 24Mbps is the maximum bitrate for AVCHD FX mode and the average bitrate is being stated for FH, HQ and LP modes.):
Test Test du caméscope Sony HXR-NX70 - Les Numériques
2011年8月3日 · Le HXR-NX70 renferme un objectif Sony G (f/1,8) couvrant une distance focale de 26,3 mm à 263 mm en équivalent 24x36. Il démarre donc sur un grand-angle et varie sur un zoom 10x. L'objectif...