Sony CLIÉ TJ Series - Wikipedia
The Sony Clie TJ series were mid-range personal digital assistants produced by Sony, running the Palm operating system (version 5).
Internet Connection Guide (for PEG-TJ37 only) Explains how to use the wireless LAN features of your CLIÉ handheld to the Internet. Manuals to be read on your computer
Sony Clie PEG-TJ37/U Handheld - amazon.com
2004年2月9日 · The Sony Clié PEG-TJ37 is the perfect combination of Style, Functionality and Price. The silver finish is very cool and distinctive. The Clié Stylus is retractable and made out of Metal, not cheap plastic.
- 3.1/5(32)
Sony Clie Drivers
Check this page to match a picture of your Clie accessory to the model number below.
Sony CLIE PEG-TJ review: Sony CLIE PEG-TJ - CNET
2004年4月30日 · Sony has revamped its popular CLIE line, and the PEG-TJ37 picks up where the midlevel PEG-TJ35 left off. The $300 TJ37 adds more memory, an integrated 310,000-pixel camera, and wireless...
「クリエ」TJ PEG-TJ37 / CLIE<クリエ> - ソニー
初心者向け「クリエセミナー(peg-tj25/tj37専用)」を東京銀座・ソニービルにて開催いたします。 詳しくは、 こちら をご覧ください。 画面の明るさは外部の光量により異なって見える場合があります。
索尼PEG-TJ37 - 百度百科
SONY PEG-TJ37的CPU采用了 Motolora I.MXL 专业sesa,RAM 32MB,ROM 16MB。显示屏幕分辨率 320 × 320. 能够显示65,536颜色。同时这款机型也具备数码相机,有效象素大约 31万,1/4 型 CMOS 感光器。可以拍摄 640 × 480/320 × 480/320 × 240/160 × 120 分辨率照片。
CLIÉ Application Guide PEG-TJ37/PEG-TJ27 - Sony Clie . org
CLIÉ Application Guide PEG-TJ37/PEG-TJ27 - Sony Clie . org
Sony PEG-TJ37 for sale online - eBay
Besides organizing data, this Sony handheld PDA also entertainment, thanks to its equipped audio and video player. Installed with picsel viewer software, the Sony PEG-TJ37 PDA helps you access your office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and HL files.
SONY CLIE PEG-TJ37 BROCHURE & SPECS Pdf Download - ManualsLib
View and Download Sony CLIE PEG-TJ37 brochure & specs online. CLIE PEG-TJ37 handhelds pdf manual download. Also for: Clie peg-tj27.