Sony Cybershot DSCW30 6MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical …
For a new generation of first-time or step-up digital photographers, the new Sony Cybershot DSC-W30 camera combines compact design and advanced features with the appeal of traditional rangefinder shooting, so everyone can enjoy a camera that's equally adept at saving their memories and capturing their vision.
- 评论数: 27
【索尼W30】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(SONY)索尼W30数码相机报价 …
2007年5月15日 · 索尼sony zv-e10 ii是一款性能出色的aps-c画幅微单相机,适合摄影爱好者和专业创作者使用。 这款黑色机身搭配F3.5 16-50mm OSS II镜头的单头套机,不仅轻便易携,还具备优秀的图像稳定性和拍摄效果。
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30: Digital Photography Review
2006年2月13日 · Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
- 评论数: 7
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 review: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 - CNET
2006年4月11日 · Sony's pocket-size shooter, the Cyber Shot DSC-W30, provides impressive photos and fast, easy operation in a simple package. Digital neophytes may question its modest allotment of seven scene...
索尼DSC-W30 - 百度百科
DSC-W30 Specifications | Sony AP - Sony Asia Pacific
Sony Support DSC-W30. Specifications. Basic Features. Battery System. Lithium ION Battery NP-BG1. LCD. 2.0" (85K pixels) Stamina (Battery Life) 400 shots / 200mins. Macro Auto Focus Range. ... List of Sony offices in Asia Pacific region that provide after-sales service activities. n …
索尼发布新款W系列数码相机:DSC-W30、DSC-W50 - 新闻中心 - 索尼(Sony…
2006年3月1日,索尼(中国)有限公司今天发布了新款w系列数码相机——dsc-w30和dsc-w50。它们均采用600万像素“超级had”ccd,配备三倍光学变焦卡尔•蔡司镜头,使用索尼“新真实影像处理器”,支持高达iso 1000的感光度和16:9模式拍摄。
Sony DSC-W30 and DSC-W50: Digital Photography Review
2006年2月13日 · Sony’s ultra-fast Real Imaging Processor™ circuit delivers quick start-up, fast shot-to-shot times, and long battery life -- up to 400 shots on a single charge for the DSC-W30 model. It also speeds up the cameras’ sophisticated auto-exposure and multi-point, auto-focus features so that users get the picture right the first time.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 香港價錢、相機規格及相關報道
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30: 相機格式: 600 萬像素,輕巧型數碼相機: 推出日期: 約 2006 年 2 月
- 评论数: 3
【索尼W30参数】SONY W30数码相机参数_规格_性能_功能-ZOL …
zol中关村在线索尼w30数码相机参数提供最全的索尼w30参数、索尼w30规格、索尼w30性能、索尼w30功能介绍,为您购买索尼w30数码相机提供有价值的参考 登录