Sony ZSRS60BT CD Boombox with Bluetooth and NFC (Black)
2015年4月23日 · Take your tunes on the go with the Sony ZSRS60BT CD Boombox. This boombox lets you play music from a variety of sources, including CD, CD-RW, MP3-CD, AM/FM radio, 3.5mm AUX input, USB thumb drives, and Bluetooth streaming. For easy Bluetooth connectivity, built-in NFC allows you to tap your compatible device against the NFC logo for …
Sony Zs-PS50 Black Portable Cd Boombox Player Digital Tuner …
2018年4月23日 · Buy Sony Zs-PS50 Black Portable Cd Boombox Player Digital Tuner Am/FM Radio USB Playback and Audio Input Mega Bass Reflex Stereo Sound System: Boomboxes - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
- 3.8/5(95)
ZS-RS60BT | Sony Democratic Republic of Congo - Sony Group …
Enjoy great music from across all of your media devices. Easily connect selected smartphones with NFC One-touch, then stream your favourite tracks via Bluetooth®. Ramp up the power with Mega Bass, or give your whole sound a boost with two speakers. Plug in your USB to play audio files or to transfer them from CDs.
Sony ZSH10CP Portable CD Radio Boombox Speaker System
2001年10月2日 · Durable, water-resistant, and rugged, the Sony ZS-H10CP is ready to provide the background music for your toughest jobs. In addition to a big handle that makes it easy carry to any project, the ZS-H10CP features a protective safe guard bar that keeps it safe from stacking items and falling debris.
ZS-PS50 - USB 手提音響 - Sony 台灣官方購物網站 - Sony Store
用這款時尚易用的 zs-ps50 cd 手提音響整合您所有音樂。三組直接預設讓您立刻收聽最愛電台,還能連接 mp3 裝置立即播放。內建兩組喇叭提供強力音效,並配備音訊輸入連接埠可連接各式其他裝置。 - 整合式 am/fm 收音機調諧器 - usb 播放 - cd/cd-r 播放
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Sony zs-rs60bt價格與詳細規格比較,共5筆。 還有sony srs、sony sa-rs5、sony srs-z、sony srs-d、sony bdp-s6700。 現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,全網最便宜都在 BigGo!
Sony ZS-S2iP CD/Radio Boombox for sale online - eBay
Enhance your music listening experience with this Sony ZS-S2IP CD/Radio Boombox. It comes with an IPOD dock, making it perfect for those who prefer to listen to music on the go. The boombox is black in color and has a headphone jack as well as a media jack.
索尼(SONY)【日本直邮】收音机手提CD机 fm调频收音机一体机 可插u盘SD卡 NFC蓝牙音箱播放器【需变压器】 ZS …
索尼(SONY)【日本直邮】收音机手提CD机 fm调频收音机一体机 可插u盘SD卡 NFC蓝牙音箱播放器【需变压器】 ZS-RS81BT【需变压器】图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
Sony ZS-M1 - MiniDisc Wiki
2025年3月8日 · Sony ZS-M1 Features: ATRAC 1. MD recorder/player and AM/FM receiver in one unit. Backlit LCD display. Credit card size remote. Editing functions: track divide, combine, swap, erase, song title, disc title (21 character limit). Shock resistant memory. Digital clock/timer.
Sony ZS-RS60BT CD Boombox with Bluetooth (4-Watt) with 1 YR …
2019年3月19日 · Buy Sony ZS-RS60BT CD Boombox with Bluetooth (4-Watt) with 1 YR CPS Enhanced Protection Pack: Boomboxes - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
- 3.6/5(5)