Sooj Mitton
CHAOS, PLAY, LOVE. oil on canvas. Modern Eden Gallery, 2024. available - [email protected]
About — Sooj Mitton
Sooj Mitton is an emerging fine artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Her work explores the contemporary visual culture of anime, Asia, dreams and night life. She works in a vivid mixture of classic mediums and a highly realistic style and samples from the popular graphics of manga and influences such as James Jean.
Sooj Mitton (@sooj.joos) • Instagram photos and videos
4,001 Followers, 1,408 Following, 114 Posts - Sooj Mitton (@sooj.joos) on Instagram: "Emerging fine artist Based in Melbourne, Australia"
Sooj Mitton | Artist Overview - MutualArt
2024年11月9日 · Sooj Mitton is an artist. Numerous key galleries and museums such as Modern Eden Gallery have featured Sooj Mitton's work in the past. Have You Considered? Stay up to date with Sooj Mitton . Discover works for sale, auction results, market data, news and …
Sooj Mitton | Available Art & Bio - Beinart Gallery
For Sooj Mitton (Melbourne, Australia), art is a language in its own right and an opportunity to explore the world and express her experience of it. Mitton started working in the tattoo industry 20 years ago and quickly found a connection with her clients through the intimate, painful and vulnerable process.
2021年8月8日 · In the past few months Sooj has been requested as the current poster artist for the WARD (Western Australia Roller Derby) posters. Each poster represents the theme for each bout, which adds to the excitement and appeal of these events.
Moments by Sooj Mitton - Artvee
Sooj Mitton's Website Art is a language in its own right, and for me, an opportunity to explore and express the world and my experience of it. I started in the tattoo industry 20yrs ago.
All – Outré Gallery
Artist: Sooj Mitton. Title: All Medium: Acrylic and pencil Framed size: 60 x 30 cm (approx 23.6 x 11.8?) Price: $1950 AUD (outside of Australia approx. $1250 USD) We happily offer lay-by on all original artworks and prints, with a 50% deposit. Contact us to set up a lay-by. Please note that the product will not be marked as sold until we have ...
SooJ MiTToN - YouTube
FoR SooJ MiTToN (MeLBouRNe, AuSTRaLia), aRT iS a LaNGuaGe iN iTS oWN RiGHT aND aN oPPoRTuNiTY To eXPLoRe THe WoRLD aND eXPReSS HeR eXPeRieNCe oF iT.MiTToN ST...
Sooj Mitton
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