Chimney sweeps' carcinoma - Wikipedia
Chimney sweeps' cancer, also called soot wart or scrotal cancer, is a squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum. It has the distinction of being the first reported form of occupational cancer, and …
Percivall Pott, chimney sweeps and cancer - RSC Education
Over 200 years ago, doctor and writer Percivall Pott made the astute connection between soot and scrotal cancer, known then as the chimney sweep's cancer. This led to a chain of inquiry …
Chimney Sweeps and Climbing Boys - Historic UK
2021年4月7日 · He described it as chimney sweeps carcinoma, commonly referred to as soot wart, viscously attacking the scrotum and affecting boys as they reached their teenage years. …
Scrotal cancer, chimney sweepers and Sir Percival Pott
2022年3月1日 · The disease was well known among the chimney sweepers as the “soot-wart” (Figure 6). The latter was often diagnosed as a venereal disease and unsuccessfully treated …
Percivall Pott (1714-1788) | Embryo Project Encyclopedia
2017年5月31日 · Percivall Pott was a physician in England during the eighteenth century who identified soot as the cause of chimney sweeps' scrotal cancer, later called testicular cancer. …
The ‘Mary Poppins’ Cancer - Science History Institute
2021年10月12日 · The scrotal tumors looked like small warts. And because of the warts’ location, many doctors mistook them for venereal disease. But enough cases had appeared by the …
Percivall Pott (1713–1788) 200th Anniversary of First Report of ...
1975年12月1日 · However, in time "soot" was generally looked on as the main cause and that there was a latent period between exposure and the appearance of a cancer. The first laws …
Milestones in Skin Carcinogenesis: The Biology of Multistage ...
2014年10月1日 · In 1775, Percival Pott published his essay entitled Chirurgical observations Relative to the Cataract, the Polypus of the Nose, the Cancer of the Scrotum, [etc.] describing …
Soot wart - bionity.com
Soot wart (or chimney sweep`s cancer) is a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin of the scrotum. It was the distinction of being the first reported form of occupational cancer, and was initially …
陰囊炱癌 Soot cancer, Soot wart - KingNet國家網路醫藥
陰囊炱癌 Soot cancer, Soot wart: 其原因就是燃煤煙塵顆粒穿過衣服擦入陰囊皮膚所致,實際上就是煤炱中的多環芳香烴所致。多環芳香烴也是最早在動物實驗中獲得成功的化學致癌物。
Soot wart | definition of soot wart by Medical dictionary
Looking for online definition of soot wart in the Medical Dictionary? soot wart explanation free. What is soot wart? Meaning of soot wart medical term. What does soot wart mean?
SOOTS (Group 1) - Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity - NCBI Bookshelf
The carcinogenicity of soot is demonstrated by numerous case reports, dating back over 200 years, of skin cancer, particularly of the scrotum, among chimney-sweeps. More recent cohort …
Chimney sweeps' carcinoma - Wikiwand
Chimney sweeps' cancer, also called soot wart or scrotal cancer, is a squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum. It has the distinction of being the first reported form of occupational cancer, and …
1794: Two sweeps, aged 8 or less, die in the same chimney
Regular inhalation of this soot caused many young sweeps to contract respiratory illnesses, such as tuberculosis. Some young sweeps also acquired an aggressive form of testicular cancer, …
Chimney sweeps are exposed to soot, with concurrent exposure to sulfur dioxide and arsenic (Bagchi & Zimmerman, 1980). Soot is black particulate matter that is formed as a by-product …
The trouble with Chimneys: from Percival Potts to Archibald Leitch
2020年12月23日 · Young boys were co-opted to do the dirty work and a consequence for them was a legacy of ill health – pulmonary disease, dermatitis, skin warts (known in the trade as …
Chimney sweeps' carcinoma - Alchetron, the free social encyclopedia
2023年11月28日 · Chimney sweep's cancer, also called Soot wart, is a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin of the scrotum. It has the distinction of being the first reported form of occupational …
Chemicals, cancer and cancer biology - PubMed
The first documentation of chemically induced cancer in humans was of the occupationally related "soot wart" in 1775. Since that time various carcinogens have been identified. Some …
Soot - Cancer-Causing Substances - NCI - National Cancer Institute
Learn about soot, which can raise the risk of scrotal and other skin cancers, as well as lung, esophageal, and bladder cancers. Soot is a byproduct of the burning of carbon-containing …
Chimcare - Why Regular Oil Furnace Chimney Sweeps are Essential
Chimney sweep cancer is also known as soot wart and scrotal cancer. These names reflect its characteristics and the profession’s association with carcinogenic risks. How does Kangri …