SSR Character Discussion: Soriz (post-5★ Uncap) : r/Granblue_en
2020年9月28日 · He gives Soriz multiple buffs that he appreciates (makes him tankier, DATA, bonus dmg). I do want to note that because Soriz hits hard multiple times due to his skills having hit counts rather than being one big blow, sources of supplemental damage work better on him. For summons, Belial and HalMal prove very nice to help bolster dmg.
SR Character Discussion: Soriz (Event) : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2019年12月25日 · Discussion Schedule and Navigation 12/23 - SSR: Seofon (November 2019 Rebalance) 12/24 - SSR: Siegfried (Fire) 12/25 - SR: Soriz (Event) 12/26…
SSR Character Discussion - Soriz (SSR) : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2018年7月23日 · Now that Soriz is there basically no one else takes damage and he stays up between my other heals and his own self-heal; when someone on the front line drops, Ayer jumps in and manages to do a lot more damage since healing isn't as omnipresent as at the beginning of a fight. My Earth team feels like it has synergy now, hooray! Thanks Soriz.
It Breaks my Heart to See Him Like This *Soriz FLB Fate ... - Reddit
2020年8月20日 · As a result of that, this quest hits harder than an isekai truck for me. What happened in the quest reminds me of me and my father so much; from Soriz's deteriorating physique, the crew taking care of him and searching high and low for doctors, to Randall asking Soriz to hit him because Soriz's supposed to be this macho tough guy.
Daily character thought! #14 Soriz : r/GranblueFantasyVersus
Soriz has so many plus frames and so much chip damage, you wonder where your health is gone in 10 seconds flat. He's VERY aggressive, but straight forward to deal with i find. I like fighting him, but I understand the frustration of a old man pushing you into a corner to pumel you to death, or just fly from across the screen, armored, to get a ...
Soriz FLB Details! : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
Soriz is literally the character that got me to play GBF and, as inadvisable as it was, who I used my starter ticket on. I’ve had lots of regrets about doing that since then but now that Bara Daddy is getting buff ed, I am a happy-fucking-boy.
GBVSR - Free Edition Character Rotation [Gran, Soriz ... - Reddit
2024年1月4日 · GBVSR - Free Edition Character Rotation [Gran, Soriz, Cagliostro, Nier] (January 4 - January 11, 2024 @ 6PM PT / Subject to change)
[Culture] It's time to address the Soriz and the Jin in the room.
2021年5月14日 · As in, most "really 1000 you guys!" lolis are literal children of another race or reverse aged back into children. Cagliostro is pretty much the only one who looks like a little girl because she actually wants to in GBF.
Pre-GW Discussion: Earth OTK Team Compositions : r/Granblue_en …
2022年6月9日 · Tier 2: Dante, Soriz, Lyria, V.Medusa, Herja, Pengy, Threo. These charas all have solid damage (whether it be through a huge ougi or strong ougi + nuke), which while it doesn't hit quite as hard as the big 3, is still capable of doing a good chunk.
SR Character Discussion: Soriz : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2017年5月25日 · SR Character Discussion: Soriz. gbf.wiki page. Soriz, after half a century of work, came to believe that the only weapon to be trusted is the body. In between harsh, rock-smashing training sessions, he can see paradise extend before him. Recruit Condition. Premium Draw - Obtain Impact Knuckles Voice Actor. Rikiya Koyama Attributes. Element ...