Soso (search engine) - Wikipedia
Soso (Chinese: 搜搜; pinyin: Sōusōu) was a Chinese search engine owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, which is well known for its other creations Pengyou and QQ.
搜搜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
是一个 搜索引擎,由 腾讯控股有限公司 所有。 英文标识为SOSO。 该网站于2006年3月正式发布,類似Google。 提供网页、图片、视频、音乐、博客、 電子地圖 、 線上百科 、新闻搜索和 …
SOSO是腾讯旗下的搜索网站,是腾讯主要的业务单元之一。 网站于2006年3月正式发布并开始运营。 搜搜已成为中国网民首选的三大搜索引擎之一,主要为网民提供实用便捷的搜索服务, …
The Rise and Fall of Soso: Tencent's Notable Venture in the Search ...
2023年11月10日 · Soso, which translates to “search search” in Chinese (搜搜), made its debut in the world of search engines and quickly made its presence felt. As of October 1, 2012, it was …
About: Soso (search engine) - DBpedia Association
Soso (Chinese: 搜搜; pinyin: Sōusōu) was a Chinese search engine owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, which is well known for its other creations Pengyou and QQ.
Soso | ChinaFile
Marketplace Tencent is spending $448 million to buy a 36.5 percent stake in Sogou, a local search engine owned by Chinese company Sohu.com. As part of the deal, Tencent’s own …
Soso (search engine) - Wikiwand
Soso (Chinese: 搜搜; pinyin: Sōusōu) was a Chinese search engine owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, which is well known for its other creations Pengyou and QQ.
SOSO (腾讯旗下的原搜索网站)_搜狗百科
SOSO曾是腾讯旗下的搜索网站,于2006年3月正式发布并开始运营,现已并入 搜狗搜索。 SOSO当时主要为网民提供实用便捷的搜索服务,同时承担腾讯全部搜索业务,曾是腾讯整体 …
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Sogou Baike - Wikipedia
Sogou Baike (Chinese: 搜狗百科; pinyin: Sōugǒu Bǎikē); Sogou Encyclopedia, formerly Soso Baike (Chinese: 搜搜百科) is a Chinese-language collaborative web-based encyclopedia …