Soterix Medical - Neuromodulation and Brain Stimulation …
Soterix Medical is the world leader in non-invasive neuromodulation and brain stimulation technology. Researchers and clinicians choose Soterix Medical devices and accessories where the highest standards in performance are required.
Soterix Medical HD-tDCS
Soterix Medical High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) is a non-invasive technique where brain regions are targeted using arrays of electrodes on the scalp. In contrast to conventional tDCS, which uses large sponge electrodes, HD-tDCS uses our exclusive Soterix Medical “High-Definition” small gel based electrodes.
4x1 – Soterix Medical
Developed by the creators of HD-tDCS, Soterix Medical's exclusive HD accessories provide the ultimate stimulation experience. Proprietary electrodes, electrode holders, and HD caps provide unmatched safety, comfort, and usability. Obtain enhanced precision and reproducibility with individualized custom HD headgear.
贝瑞赛思-Soterix中国区域销售 HD-tDCS可编程式高精度经颅电刺 …
Soterix Medical推出MxN GO脑电图系统,用于无线高清tES和脑电图
2024年5月1日 · Soterix Medical, the pioneers in HD-tDCS/HD-tES, collaborated with mBrainTrain, the experts in research-grade mobile EEG, to create the ultimate solution for mobile hybrid stimulation/EEG studies.
经颅直流电刺激仪 - 贝瑞赛思-心理学丨脑科学的服务者
Soterix tDCS(1x1)设备提供用户简便的设置和刺激过程监控手段;SmartScan™(智能扫描), Relax™(放松)和TrueCurrent™(真实电流)确保每次刺激都可以成功完成。 Soterix tDCS (1x1)研究过程考虑到了如下几点:tDCS实验过程设置须简单明了,刺激状态须实时显示给操作者,摒弃数显式的操作设置改用可靠的机械操作来规避风险。 为此Soterix tDCS (1x1)通过简便的两个机械式旋钮便可以设置刺激时间和刺激强度,显示模块的背光灯设计使您无论在昏暗或者明 …
TDCS电经颅刺激器 - Soterix Medical
Soterix tsDCS刺激品是为经皮的脊髓直流电刺激和辅助部件明确地设计的唯一的刺激品。 从子宫颈到腰部目标,我们在配置和协议提供专业忠告。
About – Soterix Medical
Soterix Medical Inc. (SMI) was formed to develop and deploy innovative medical treatments focused on neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders and rehabilitation. Founded in 2008, SMI is the world leader in clinical trials for non-invasive neuromodulation working with over 1050 medical centers in the US and worldwide.
Soterix Medical - Advanced Medical Equipment
Soterix Medical was founded to support the science of non-invasive electrical stimulation. From exclusive High-Definition systems, Neurotargeting planning software, to the incredibly adaptable 1×1 platform, researchers choose Soterix Medical …
soterix medical无线多模态非侵入性脑调控监测系统,无线经颅电 …
无线高精度经颅电刺激 (HD-tES) 和脑电图,高清经颅电刺激的先驱Soterix Medical与移动脑电图专家mBrainTrain之间的合作;对于需要在自然环境中进行电刺激和大脑活动记录的应用,以及需要受试者在任何地方轻松佩戴系统,MxN-GO EEG解决方案使之成为可能