2024年12月17日 · 能炸槽的牌带齐,核心三张八纮带上,试飞与4费摸牌飞机带齐,这些就是炸槽核心组件了。 剩下就是OTK组件了,有山本、竞技神的,有小手枪的但我觉得不好用,看别人有百炼成钢的,还有舰爆剃头的。 炸槽卡组其他的主要是抗快问题,不是很富有的话不建议,它需要的银卡挺多的,强度也比较看运气。 2x (2K) 无产者,联合起来!
"OTK" stamp on russian devices - diyAudio
2006年7月10日 · OTK is the quality control stamp. Datecodes are latin-numbered months like "II" for "2" and arabic letters years.. They made tubes for a long time but the factorise suffer from lack of money and military state orders.... "OTK" has been variously described as a "state technical bureau" mark or "military controlled" inspection mark.
SuperTermoli (ST) 60 - Naval Analyses
2020年9月30日 · The DYK is organized into sections called Underwater Demolition Teams (Greek: Ομάδες Υποβρυχίων Καταστροφών), commonly known in their abbreviated form as OYK, that specialize in a particular area.
苏联 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 (俄语: Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, 羅馬化:Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskih Respublik(發音 ⓘ), 縮寫: СССР, (見其他名稱)),簡稱 蘇聯[註 1],是一個存在於1922年至1991年的 联邦制 社會主義國家,也是當時世界上領土面積最大的國家,涵盖 东欧 大部分區域,以及幾乎整個 中亞 和 北亞。 1945年以後达到最大疆域,面积超过2,240萬平方公里,跨越11个 时区。
Meaning of "OTK" on Soviet and Czech Military Equipment - The …
What does "O.T.K." mean? The short answer is that "OTK" means that the item was manufactured to military specifications in the former Soviet Union or another Warsaw Pact nation, but there's more to it. In Russian, and coincidentally in Czech, OTK is like American MIL-STD.
What does an "OTK" stamp on AK items mean? | AK Rifles
2008年10月12日 · My understanding is that they are initials for "Otdiel Technicheskovo Kontrolya" or Bureau of Technical Control". Just a military QC stamp. ETA - I have a Bulgarian bayonet with OTK inked on the sheath so I don't think it necessarily means that something is Russian. Soviet, not just restricted to Russia.
Help with Russian Slings.... - AK Rifles
2009年3月14日 · OTK stamped slings died with the Soviet Union (though not at the same time) - straight from a gear vendor in Russia. Click to expand... Here's a 2007 sling with an OTK stamp: http://www.theakforum.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=89929
Russian tubes - Classification of various brands? - diyAudio
2016年10月29日 · OTK stands for Otdyel Tekhnicheskovo Kontrolya, "department of technical control" most of products in the Soviet Union carried this stamp. If an item has this stamp, it meets the minimum quality standards.
核心思想就是前期通过高质量守护和减费步兵(久留米,第五联队)和奥创(国家消防局、商船队)拖住,抽空炸自己槽做任务,解对面高威胁单位(亡命之计,穷兵黩武)。 即放弃日快的前期抢线,全力做任务和过牌(HX175护航队)拖住前几回合别似了。 最后通过英国的 3K 复制闪击炮 , 通过 4K 阔土贴膜斩杀 (在这之前必须先对对面总部造成伤害,通过帝国之力就可以,还能清反制), 实现OTK。 和楼主你的喀秋莎斩杀思路一样,用复制炮可以多一个攻击频率。 斩杀轮大概 …
Decoding Soviet Military Surplus Ammunition Labels - The M1 …
When you buy Soviet or Russian military surplus ammunition in "Spam cans" contained in wooden crates, you will find that the containers have cryptic labels. The markings clearly tell you about the bullet type, powder type, and year and place of manufacture, if you …
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