SOZ中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
“SOZ”是“Sorry :)”的英文缩写,它在中文里怎么说?_百度知道
2024年6月10日 · “SOZ”是“Sorry :)”的英文缩写,它在中文里怎么说? 英语中有一个常见的缩写词“SOZ”,它实际上代表的是“Sorry :)”,即“对不起:)”。 这个短小的表达在网络交流中广泛使用,特别是在聊天和非正式的场合中,它
Soz b - Urban Dictionary
2013年12月16日 · A highly sarcastic form of saying "I'm sorry." Worse than "soz" yet a little more subtle than "Soz not soz." Anyone who says this shows great disrespect in that they don't even have the courtesy to use the word "my" before the "b."
Predictors of SOZ localization, subsequent surgical intervention, …
2024年6月3日 · We identify preoperative and iEEG factors associated with (a) identification of a well‐delineated SOZ, (b) rate of subsequent treatment, including resection and neuromodulation, and (c) seizure freedom and favorable seizure outcomes.
"soz"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
sozYes, you’re probably right. 👍 Also, I want to fix your sentence a little: “So, I suppose (that) it's not widely used/widely known/very common in the US, and many/most people wouldn't understand it, right?”|Of course, ask away! 😁|Oh, oops, there should definitely be a comma in that sentence! I didn’t realize that I had left it out before. A comma should be used when two ...
2006年7月10日 · soz大概是so it is.意思是“是这样的,确实如此”之类的。 对不起的意思。 以前在美国的时候当地人网上聊天就说这个。 楼上的不要瞎猜阿。 我觉得楼主问的应该是coz,读出 …
What Does Soz Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The term soz is British slang for "sorry." It is a more concise way of expressing remorse or apologizing. While primarily used by the British, it has also been adopted by
Home - Schule für Sozialbegleitung
Die sich rasch wandelnde Gesellschaft bedingt verstärktes soziales Engagement. Wir bieten Raum und befähigen Menschen, andere Menschen in der Gestaltung ihres Lebens zu stärken. …
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Soz b – Defining Anything
b: soz b a highly sarcastic form of saying “i’m sorry.” worse than “soz” yet a little more subtle than “soz not soz.” anyone who says this shows great disrespect in that they don’t even have the courtesy to use the word “my” before the “b.” guy a: dude you just broke my bottle of jd.