Spirit Fitness Pulldown/Seated Row SP-4332 - Fitness Trading
Spirit Pulldown/Seated Row SP-4332 combines the two most popular back exercises with this machine: the traditional Lat Pulldown with height-adjustable bar and the Low Row or horizontal pull-up where the footrests provide stabilisation. The yellow storage hooks secure the handle when not in use.
Spirit Pulldown / Seated Row SP-4332 - ACTIVEFIT
Dual machine combines the two most popular back exercises Traditional Lat Pulldown with adjustable bar height and storage hooks Foot bars aid Low Row stabilization and storage hooks secure handle when not in use Integrated rep counter and built-in storage on top cap Product Dimension : 1808 x 1213 x 2270mm / 71” x Read More "Spirit Pulldown / Seated Row SP-4332"
滑輪下拉/坐姿划船雙功能訓練機 | SPIRIT Commercial
這個雙功能訓練結合了兩種最受歡迎的背部運動。 傳統的下拉器具具有可調節的橫桿高度和儲物掛鉤。 腳扶手協助低位划船的穩定性,儲物掛鉤可固定手柄,不在使用時放置。 頂蓋上有整合的次數計數器和儲物空間。
SP-4332滑輪下拉,坐姿划船訓練機(Pulldown/ Seated Row)
SP-4332滑輪下拉,坐姿划船訓練機 (Pulldown/ Seated Row),健康是完整人生必備的條件,運動則是通往健康的必要途徑,創奕「開創健身契機、享受神采奕奕」為信念,讓運動變得既親切又有成就感,打造適齡適用的產品與課程。
Lat pulldown gym station SP-4332 - MedicalExpo
Find out all of the information about the SPIRIT Fitness product: lat pulldown gym station SP-4332. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
阔背肌下拉健身器械 - SP-4332 - SPIRIT Fitness - MedicalExpo
MedicalExpo(医疗网上展览会)为您提供阔背肌下拉健身器械产品详细信息。 规格型号:SP-4332,公司品牌:SPIRIT Fitness。 直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。 寻找更多国外精选阔背肌下拉健身器械产品和供应商采购信息,尽在MedicalExpo。
SPIRIT SP-4332 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Spirit SP-4332 owner's manual online. Pulldown/Seated Row. SP-4332 fitness equipment pdf manual download.
【TONGXIN】高低拉划船訓練機|Pulldown / Seated Row
產品型號:SP-4332 |產品特色| 1. 雙重機結合了兩種最流行的背部鍛煉 2.腳踏滑桿有助於低划船穩定和不使用槓時可放儲物掛鉤上 3.滑桿下拉帶有可調節桿高度和儲物鉤 4.結合計數器和頂蓋上的物品存放空間 |產品規格| 1.產品尺寸≒1808 x 1213 x 2270mm 2.配重片≒115kg ...
ラットプルダウンマシン - SP-4332 - SPIRIT Fitness - MedicalExpo
最もポピュラーな2つの背筋エクササイズを組み合わせたデュアル・マシン バーの高さ調節と収納フックを備えた伝統的なラットプルダウン フット・バーがロー・ローの安定化を補助し、収納フックが未使用時のハンドルを固定 レップ・カウンターとトップ・キャップに収納を内蔵 カートン寸法 カートンA - 1750 x 600 x 125mm / 69" x 24" x 5" カートンB - 1880 x 730 x 260mm/74インチ x 29インチ x 10インチ CARTON C - 1950 x 1000 x 210mm/77インチ x …
Máy kép kết hợp hai bài tập lưng phổ biến nhất Lat Pulldown truyền thống với chiều cao, thanh có thể điều chỉnh và móc cố định khi không tập Thanh chân hỗ trợ ổn định Hàng thấp và móc lưu trữ tay cầm an toàn khi không sử dụng Tích hợp bộ đếm số lượng rep trong quá trình tập
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