Pleth waveform examples - EMTLIFE
2012年2月25日 · A quick google search shows that there are both fullsize SpO2 and finger-tip SpO2 monitors that will display a pleth waveform. So any agency could have the ability to …
SpO2 "lag" - EMTLIFE
2012年10月19日 · The pleth wave on the other hand should theoretically match up with the radial pulse of the measured limb as that is a visual of what the probe is seeing rather than the …
CSMs for Open Fractures? - EMTLIFE
2012年9月16日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
2016年2月5日 · This picture shows three waveforms and displays lead II on top in black, SpO2 pleth in the middle in blue, and the EtCO2 waveform on the bottom in orange. The LP15 …
CHF/COPD Exacerbation - EMTLIFE
2016年11月5日 · As a side note: a personal pet peeve of mine is when any paramedic, new or old, doesn't even take the time to adjust the monitor to obtain a good reliable SPO2 waveform …
Supplemental oxygen in relation to Spo2 - EMTLIFE
2024年5月12日 · People will often feel short of breath and will likely have an excellent SpO2 level and even a great pleth in that instance. If you, by a miracle, had a pulse oximeter that can …
SpO2 waveform - EMTLIFE
2010年6月15日 · The only reason I look at the waveform is to verify that the signal is good. Example: SpO2 is reading only 85% - I would look at the waveform and make sure it is …
Oxygen and ACS - EMTLIFE
2016年9月23日 · I will say that SpO2 can be misleading, even with a great pleth waveform. Think about the on-loading and off-loading of oxygen to/from the hemoglobin in cases of acidosis or …
How often should you take vitals on a critical patient?
2012年10月1日 · Talking about NIBP, I ended up having to call shenanigans on a BP today of 66/24. Got 90/50 which, while not necessarily great, is much more realistic in an asymptomatic …
Shortness of breath question | Page 2 | EMTLIFE
2015年1月22日 · Pulse oximeters can give a falsely high reading in the presence of carbon monoxide binding to haemoglobin about 250 times more strongly than oxygen and, once in …