Space Marine Painter - The Bolter and Chainsword
Click on the Space Marine to start painting or on the controls below if you wish to choose a background or paint scheme
The Army Painter Academy: Space Wolves Space Marine
The Imperium's number-one fans of Nordic cultures and cuddly puppies are howling for your attention in today's Academy tutorial. Learn how to clad your own Space Wolves in their traditional frosty blue power armour with this step-by …
Citadel Macgragge Blue vs Army Painter Ultramarine
As I'm still a beginner in the WH40k world and miniature painting as a whole I'd like to share my observation after spraying Space Marines with Citadel Macgragge Blue and Army Painter Ultramarine. I've seen some posts in the …
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How to Paint Everything: Ultramarines Space Marines
2023年11月23日 · Step 2. Blue Armor. It’s a good idea to paint the whole model with thinned blue to ensure an even coat. Even moreso than with the modern …
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Colour Primer: Ultramarine Blue - Deep blue basecoat …
The name says it all... But apart from Space Marines, this is also the perfect colour for Lizardmen, Imp. guard, Cygnar or American Civil War for instance. …
- 类别: Spray
Ultramarines using Army Painter Speed Paints, has anyone tried
Was wondering if anyone had any success with Army Painter Speedpsaints 2.0 when painting Ultramarines. Trying to figure out what blue to use. Plenty of tutorials for Contrast, not much …
Paint your Space Marine army in 10 hours - YouTube
Does it matter what color I paint my space marines?
2023年6月20日 · Long answer: Of course it matters! They're your little dudes! Love them! Cherish them! Paint them whatever colors you want and that make you happy, because they're your …
How to Paint Everything – Deathwatch Space Marines
2023年11月29日 · Normally I paint black armor using Corvus Black as the highlight color and Mechanicus Standard Grey for the edge highlights (you can find that method in my tutorial on Raven Guard, here). For my Deathwatch I …
Warhammer 40K Space Marines Color Schemes
The Official Color Scheme of Warhammer 40K Space Marines. Space marines have over chapters, and each of these chapters has its own unique color scheme. The colors are also functional, as they help to identify different squads on the …