SPAM1 - Wikipedia
This gene was previously referred to as HYAL1 and HYA1 and has since been assigned the official symbol SPAM1; another family member on chromosome 3p21.3 has been assigned HYAL1. This gene encodes a GPI-anchored enzyme located on the human sperm surface and inner acrosomal membrane.
SPAM1 Gene - GeneCards | HYALP Protein | HYALP Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SPAM1 (Sperm Adhesion Molecule 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SPAM1 include Mucopolysaccharidosis, Type Ix and Bladder Cancer. Among its related pathways are Fertilization and Meiosis. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include hyalurononglucosaminidase activity. An important paralog of this gene is HYAL4.
精子粘附分子 1(SPAM1)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
透明质酸酶家族的六个成员在染色体 3p21.3 和 7q31.3 上聚集成两个紧密相连的组。该基因以前被称为 hyal1 和 hya1,并被指定为官方符号 spam1;染色体 3p21.3 上的另一个家族成员被指定为 hyal1。该基因编码位于人类精子表面和顶体内膜上的 gpi 锚定酶。
SPAM1 sperm adhesion molecule 1 [ (human)] - National Center …
This gene was previously referred to as HYAL1 and HYA1 and has since been assigned the official symbol SPAM1; another family member on chromosome 3p21.3 has been assigned HYAL1. This gene encodes a GPI-anchored enzyme located on the human sperm surface and inner acrosomal membrane.
Sperm Adhesion Molecule 1 (SPAM1) Distribution in Selected …
SPAM1 (sperm adhesion molecule 1) is a hyaluronidase implicated in the dispersion of the cumulus-oocyte matrix. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the SPAM1 distribution in the different physiological conditions of human sperm.
Epididymal SPAM1 and its impact on sperm function
2006年5月16日 · When sperm from Spam1 null mice were used for binding assays with sperm-free unfractionated luminal fluid from wild-type mice, immunocytochemistry revealed Spam1 uptake on the sperm surface in a pattern that mimics that for wild-type sperm. Uptake was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis which provided a quantitative assessment of a large ...
SPAM1 sperm adhesion molecule 1 - NIH Genetic Testing …
2023年12月17日 · This gene was previously referred to as HYAL1 and HYA1 and has since been assigned the official symbol SPAM1; another family member on chromosome 3p21.3 has been assigned HYAL1. This gene encodes a GPI-anchored enzyme located on the human sperm surface and inner acrosomal membrane.
Spam1 sperm adhesion molecule 1 [ (house mouse)] - National …
2025年2月8日 · Sperm adhesion molecule 1 (SPAM1) is distributed in the nonciliated epithelial cells. Efferent ducts have the most intense staining. Spam1 was also present in the accessory organs, the prostate, and seminal vesicles and its fluid. Spam1 is a multifunctional protein and that it is less restricted in its expression than previously reported
Characterization of the genomic structure of the murine Spam1
The Sperm Adhesion Molecule 1 (SPAM1), also known as PH-20, is a sperm membrane-bound protein that has been shown to have bifunctional roles in fertilization. It is encoded by a gene that is widely conserved in mammalian species, underscoring its importance in the …
Epididymal SPAM1 and its impact on sperm function - PubMed
2006年5月16日 · The most widely conserved mammalian sperm antigen is sperm adhesion molecule 1, SPAM1/PH-20, which is also the major testicular hyaluronidase. This multifunctional glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked protein plays several roles in fertilization and is encoded by a gene that resides among hyal …