Spanish Export Credit Agency, CESCE : Credit Enhancement for ...
The Spanish Export Credit Agency (CESCE) is a commercial risk management company. The majority of CESCE is owned by the Spanish government and prominent Spanish banks and insurance companies. CESCE provides coverage of political risks deriving from investments abroad with the aim of supporting the internationalization of Spanish enterprises.
Cesce, Agencia de Crédito a la Exportación española (ECA)
Cesce es la Agencia de Crédito a la Exportación (ECA) española. Desde 1972 gestionamos en exclusiva, por cuenta del Estado, las coberturas de los riesgos políticos, comerciales y extraordinarios asociados a la internacionalización de las empresas españolas.
Agencia Española de Crédito a la Exportación (ECA) - Cesce España
Cesce is the Spanish Export Credit Agency (ECA). Since 1972 has been exclusively managing on behalf of the Spanish State the political, commercial and extraordinary risks associated with the internationalisation of Spanish companies.
International Credit Insurance & Surety Association Members - ICISA
2024年11月29日 · In its role as an Export Credit Agency (ECA) on behalf of the Spanish State, it manages export credit insurance and medium and long-term risk coverage for electro-intensive consumers, which it has been recognised by TXF, placing Cesce as …
CESCE (Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación ...
CESCE (Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación) is the head of a group of companies that offers integrated solutions for commercial credit management in part of Europe and Latin America. CESCE is also the Spanish export credit agency (ECA) that manages the export credit insurance on behalf of the Spanish State.
Export credit agency - Wikipedia
An export credit agency (known in trade finance as an ECA) or investment insurance agency [1] is a private or quasi-governmental institution that acts as an intermediary between national governments and exporters to issue export insurance solutions and guarantees for financing.
Credit insurance - Starting, running and closing a business
2024年10月25日 · CESCE is the Spanish Export Credit Agency (ECA), and as such it manages export credit and investment insurance exclusively on behalf of the Spanish State. You can see who we are here . Role of the CESCE
Spain | www.eca-watch.org
Spanish ECA supports Siemens Gamesa $1.3 bln guarantee package. Newsletter item. 2023/01/30. Spain's CESCE restricts fossil fuel finance, but leaves major gas loopholes. Newsletter item. 2022/12/31. Canada and New Zealand map out pledges to axe ECA fossil fuel support. Newsletter item. 2022/10/29.
Spanish Company of Export Credit Insurance (CESCE) - Devex
CESCE is also the Spanish Export Credit Agency (ECA) that manages the export credit insurance on behalf of the State in Spain. The risk rating agency considers that CESCE has a strong financial...
Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación
Within the complex architecture involved, the Spanish Export Credit Agency CESCE is the state’s principal financial instrument. CESCE’s main objective is to facilitate the internationalization of the private sector, by covering the risk involved in the sale of Spanish companies’ products and services in foreign markets.