Spatial - Create Immersive UGC, Virtual Classrooms, Experiential …
Build custom interactive worlds with Spatial’s Unity SDK. Create immersive experiences with advanced interactivity and physics, and publish seamlessly to Web, VR/AR, and Mobile. Access Spatial worlds from any device, anywhere. Enjoy immersive experiences as webpages on your PC, no download required.
Download Spatial for Free on Web, Mobile, and VR | Spatial
Join 2M+ creators & brands building and publishing social games, brand experiences, virtual learning, galleries, onboarding, & training. No-code + Unity-based tools. Web (No Download Required), Mobile, VR.
Spatial on Meta Quest | Quest VR Games
Unleash Your Creativity with Spatial! Join millions of creators worldwide to explore 3D virtual worlds, customize your identity, collaborate with friends, and conquer quests. With stunning 3D graphics and live voice and text chat, Spatial is the ultimate platform to …
一款让人拍案叫绝的VR协同办公软件:Spatial - 知乎
可以毫不夸张地说:Spatial 是我至今为止用过的、体验最好的VR应用。 我们简单列举几个亮点: 1. 浏览器端支持. 其实很多 VR多人APP 都支持多平台,毕竟VR设备总量还是太少。像 Rumii VR 就支持手机端 和 PC登录。但是支持浏览器端的比较少见。 Spatial 的多平台支持
Vr - Spatial
Join 2M+ creators & brands building and publishing social games, brand experiences, virtual learning, galleries, onboarding, & training. No-code + Unity-based tools. Web (No Download Required), Mobile, VR.
Welcome to Spatial - Getting Started
Spatial makes it incredibly easy to build 3D immersive spaces for all kinds of uses - learning, art, community meetups, meetings, or playing games & fun interactive experiences. No matter what you want to create, there's a way to do it.
讓開會就像《一級玩家》:Spatial 開放免費線上會議,不用 VR/AR 頭盔 | Star Rocket Blog
2020年5月22日 · Spatial 是一款用全像投影(holographic)舉辦虛擬會議的軟體,你可以想像成他是 VR/AR 版本的 Zoom, 在會議中你可以看到與會者的虛擬頭像(avatar)或是視訊螢幕,透過 Spatial 也可以上傳文件或是 3D 物體跟其他人共享。
空间电视 Spatial TV (MR-Fix)-暴走VR
Spatial TV 是在 VR 中观看电影的终极应用程序。 人们喜欢将您的家变成电影院的令人惊叹的环境光。 调暗您的环境,沉浸在惊人的灯光效果中 支持 YouTube、Disney+、HBO Max、Hulu、Apple TV+ 等 游戏...
《Spatial》体验:最现代化的AR/VR协作应用 - 知乎
Spatial's VR Meeting Rooms Are Now Open to Everyone - WIRED
2020年5月13日 · Spatial is a startup that enables people to meet through augmented or virtual reality. It's a little similar to the now defunct Facebook Spaces, except it has much broader support. You can use...
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