SpCas9与SaCas9 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SpCas9 (来自Streptococcus pyogenes的Cas9)以及 SaCas9 (来自Staphylococcus aureus的Cas9)是两种常用于 CRISPR基因编辑系统 的Cas9蛋白。 它们作为核酸酶,能够在 导向RNA (gRNA)的指引下识别并切割特定的DNA序列。
Continuous evolution of SpCas9 variants compatible with non-G …
2020年2月10日 · Here we report the directed evolution of three new SpCas9 variants capable of recognizing NRRH, NRTH and NRCH PAMs. These variants were evolved through phage-assisted non-continuous evolution...
Science | 摆脱PAM困扰—Cas9强势升级获得基因编辑新利器SpRY
CRISPR-Cas系统为基础研究和临床转化应用中正展现出强大的实力和无穷的潜力,其中应用最为广泛的SpCas9系统能与sgRNA形成复合物切割靶位点引入DNA双链断裂(DSBs),之后由非 同源重组 修复(NHEJ)途径诱导插入缺失突变,或在DNA修复模板的存在下通过同源重组修复(HDR)途径实现精准基因编辑。 此外,以CRISPR-Cas9为基础的各种新工具也不断涌现,其中,通过融合不同脱氨基酶获得的单碱基编辑系统CBE(Cytosine Base Editor) …
A highly specific SpCas9 variant is identified by - Nature
2018年1月29日 · We developed a yeast-based assay to identify optimized Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) variants that enables simultaneous evaluation of on- and off-target activity. We screened a library of...
知识分享 | 高保真版本的SpCas9有哪些? - 知乎专栏
SpCas9是CRISPR/Cas系统中最广泛使用的核酸酶之一,它可以通过 sgRNA 和靶标DNA的碱基互补配对来精确切割基因组。 然而, SpCas9在某些情况下可能会导致非特异性切割,产生 脱靶效应 (off-targets),这严重阻碍了SpCas9在临床上的应用, 是CRISPR/Cas系统从基础研究走向临床应用道路上亟待解决的关键问题。 虽然许多SpCas9蛋白的三维结构已经得到了解析,但对于多个 功能域的具体功能 并未得到完全阐明,因而通过完全理性的方式来优化改造Cas9仍较为困难 …
Structural insights into a high fidelity variant of SpCas9
2019年1月21日 · Here, we present crystal structure of a SpCas9 variant, xCas9 3.7 that has broad PAM compatibility and high DNA targeting specificity, in complex with a single-guide RNA and its double-stranded...
碧云天生物技术-Cas9 Nuclease (SpCas9)(Cas9 核酸 ... - Beyotime
Cas9 Nuclease (SpCas9),即CRISPR-associated endonuclease Cas9也称Csn1,是碧云天自主研发的PerfectProtein™技术平台表达、纯化获得的一种来源于Streptococcus pyogenes,能在gRNA引导下序列特异性地切割双链D
Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space
2018年9月21日 · Here, we report a rationally engineered SpCas9 variant (SpCas9-NG) that can recognize relaxed NG PAMs. The crystal structure revealed that the loss of the base-specific interaction with the third nucleobase is compensated by newly introduced non-base-specific interactions, thereby enabling the NG PAM recognition.
A highly specific SpCas9 variant is identified by in vivo ... - PubMed
We developed a yeast-based assay to identify optimized Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) variants that enables simultaneous evaluation of on- and off-target activity. We screened a library of SpCas9 variants carrying random mutations in the REC3 domain and identified mutations that increased editing accuracy while maintaining editing efficiency.
SP-Cas9 - Addgene
Plasmid SP-Cas9 from Dr. Niels Geijsen's lab contains the insert SP-CAS9 and is published in Cell. 2015 Apr 23;161 (3):674-690. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.03.028. This plasmid is available through Addgene.