How to deal with all the Specimens + DLCs + Endless Mode
2015年11月13日 · Specimen 9 can be encountered from Room 51 onwards. There are two ways to spawn him. In both cases, he can kill you instantly if he touches you even once. The first …
Specimen origins :: Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion General …
2015年5月4日 · Specimen 9 appears to have modified or corrupted its own CAT-DOS entry, implying it has psychic or supernatural powers. This is the first specimen that can instantly kill …
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation - Steam Community
There will be both tools in the game to edit rooms and a development SDK that allows players to create new specimen, mechanics, and whatever they desire and share them on the Workshop! …
Guide To Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion - Steam Community
Specimen 13: Like Specimen 7, Specimen 13 only appears once. She will attack upon approaching her while she is sitting atop a crate in Room 910. She can only attack you if you …
Ultimate Endless Guide - Steam Community
2023年5月11日 · Specimen 9 apears after the player has been idle for 1 minute and 10 seconds. If the player is not AFK while Specimen 9 kills them (dying while trapped in the endless …
Finding the Inspirations for Each Specimen :: Spooky's Jump Scare ...
It says that since specimen 9 takes in people to gain mass, maybe that refers to specimen 9's origin, which might further explain the radios message. Unit 731 also tested germs and …
Steam Community :: Guide :: My Headcanons on the Lore behind …
2023年6月26日 · By Specimen 9's design, it looks like he was stripped to mere meat and bone before becoming a Specimen. It could be that after dying in the experiments, some unknown, …
Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion - Steam Community
Al llegar al fondo del pasillo, a la derecha, se encuentra una puerta, al entrar aparecerá el Specimen 9 con su cuerpo completo, levitando. A diferencia de antes, él ya no te mata de un …
How many ways Specimen 9 (base form) can kill me?
2018年3月14日 · So far, I know about the wall closing and the 5 minutes AFK method from the original version of the game. In this version Specimen 9 unexpectedly jumpscared the heck …
Does something happen when you AFK? :: Spooky's Jump Scare …
Throughout the entire game, the safe rooms protect you from everyone but Specimen 9, who chases you if you wait forever in any room. The exceptions are the long hallway where he kills …