Changing a trek 12 speed to a 10 speed??? | EMTB Forums
2025年3月6日 · I have an older eBike with 10 speed and a second newer eBike with 12 gears. There's not a lot in it as I upgraded the old bike to 11t to 47t cassette. The new one is 10t to 51t, I certaintly would not change a 12 speed to a 10. No point. If there is a noise problem then the system is not set up correctly or a bad bike design.
How long does your chain last? - EMTB Forums
2024年10月23日 · I had similar results with an 11-speed emtb. The Shimano chain broke at over 1700 miles with only 0.4% "stretch". The replacement chain was a Sram PC-1130. It managed over 1370 miles at 0.5% "stretch before I sold the bike. My current ebike has had several 12-speed snapped chains all when the XT mechs snapped.
Should ebikes be 10 speed - EMTB Forums
2021年3月26日 · The Advent 9-speed is 1 1/3 of cost of any 10-speed, 11-speed or 12-speed offered out there. If I get 2000 miles out of the Advent 9-speed setup I will be happy with that, right now at 400 miles. If you are planning on racing your eMTB and you feel you need the extra gear, then invest in the 12-speed, but for trail riding with your friends 9 ...
Shimano XT Di2 M8150-12 How to use without Shimano motor
2024年7月22日 · Everywhere is written that the new MTB Di2 12-speed direulier is only compatible with Shimano motors. I want to use it on E-bike with another motor, just to connect it to a voltage, of course, it would be without automatic shifting. (Something like Sram AXS which dont need a motor connection)...
Answered - Shimano 12 Speed Hyperglide+ with SRAM 12 speed …
2020年7月25日 · Shimano 12 speed chains NEED Shimano 12 speed specific front chainrings. Using a sram 12 speed chainring ( up front I mean) will bind up the chain because the inner width of Shimano 12 speed chains is significantly less than sram 12 speed and Shimano redesigned the shape of each tooth.
YT MX Core 5 - EMTB Forums
2024年8月30日 · 1) It has the EP801 with the 12 speed cassette and 12 speed DI2. I was wondering roughly how much you have spent to add auto shift. From what I have read I would need a new 11 speed cassette and derailleur, and a shop would have to modify the software. Anything else needed? 2) Also, interesting how much of a difference in cost for the battery.
Cassette choice | EMTB Forums
2024年4月18日 · Hey everyone i have a 12 speed sram system with a gx axs deralier and a nx cassette that has worn out recently and was condering what cassette I should go for when I want max durability. I am not willing to get rid of my gx axs deralier and I have a hg freehub body. The options I have seen are...
Fitting an 11 speed chainring to a 12 speed system
2024年8月22日 · I'm struggling to find a genuine Shimano 12 speed chainring to replace the original on my Merida E160 (Shimano E8000 motor). There's plenty for sale with the carrier at around £90 but I'm just wanting the chainring which should cost half that price. I believe the Shimano steel ring will last...
What's countrys have what speed restrictions? | EMTB Forums
2025年1月10日 · Hitting the speed limit (32kh) on the Rail vs the Fuel feels completely different. I can power through the limit on the Fuel TQ motor …especially on the flats. The Rail feels like an anchor just fell off the bike. I don’t think I’ve ever hit the speed limit on a trail run…up or down.
Levo Gen 3 Chain Choice for Gen 3 Turbo Levo Comp Carbon
2023年7月3日 · I'm somewhat confused on chain choices for the Gen 3. Spec says "SRAM NX Eagle 12-Speed" but if you do a search there are two of them; one with a PC prefix (CHPC8031011) and the other without (CN-EAGL-NX-A1). I can't readily tell which one is on my stock bike but some of the links has 402 stamped on it.