SPEN - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年3月19日 · SPEN 2 - the national law enforcement emergency channel SPEN 3 - a law enforcement car-to-car channel (was more or less unusable in Bergen Co. because of Rockland Co. using it) SPEN 4 - an intercom with "everybody else" (same as JEMS 4 and usually claimed by EMS coordination at large scale multiple casualty incidents)
NJ SPEN & UTAC - RadioReference.com Forums
2017年1月29日 · Recently, I heard Union Twp. on SPEN 1 alerting surrounding towns of a hi-jacked vehicle. I assume they use SPEN, when it affects towns in the next county over (Essex County in this case). For Union County, I normally only hear hotline transmissions on NJICS. I don't think they have any conventional channels, besides SPEN for this anymore.
SPEN for Northern NJ - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年5月3日 · Correct SPEN is a joke, almost 100% UNPROFESSIONAL communications, playing moving clips, Adult movie clips etc etc. not to mention interfering with pursuit transmissions & Bolo's - been a radio professional a long long so I don't think you do want to enter a into a debate with me on the subject - better ways for interagency communications they …
SPEN for Northern NJ | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
2022年5月3日 · SPEN is a perfect example true radio interoperability. after 911 interoperability was the new political buzzword, then everyone started to build ( were sold ) these statewide/county wide closed systems and getting rid of there perfectly good conventional radios, then starting to encrypt everything and we are now further away from true radio ...
SPEN 1 Carrier - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年11月28日 · Thus, agencies who washed VHF and SPEN capabilities out of their reach, (based on Central NJ encounters), are resorting to the nasty analog to P25 patches by having SPEN 4 patched into TRS TGs. I say nasty, as previous experiences with patching conventional analog frequencies like Warren PD in Somerset County into Countywide PD on the Somerset ...
Spen - RadioReference.com Forums
2008年8月4日 · generally speaking spen is mostly "line of sight" just like any other vhf simplex frequency.variables such as output power and antenna height play into the equation.i do know of what i consider to be a pretty far spen exchange.a police dept.in central/eastern monmouth county talked base to car on spen 1.the car was in lodi.police hq.was able to make out what he …
S.P.E.N. - RadioReference.com Forums
2023年3月7日 · Spen 1 is the only one in use around Burlington County. I never hear anything on SPEN 2-4. Most broadcasts for GRM and Flashes that go out over P-5 on the Burlco system get simulcast on SPEN 1. Occasionally they forget to enable the patch. Same for Camden County.
SPEN Radio Traffic on the various trunked systems
2021年9月19日 · SPEN in those Counties will get used for matters of larger interest. Pursuits and so on. Morris, Somerset, Union are good examples. There are often SPEN calls from municipalities to State Police or vice versa along the interstates. Hudson, Essex, Passaic and PAPD and Turnpike all active on SPEN. As Bob said Burlco active.
Best portable 500mhz antenna for a SDS100?
2025年3月1日 · If I was scanning in Mercer County I would absolutely have to have VHF High.. SPEN, Mercer County Emergency Alert, Mercer County fire dispatch and guard. Sector Delaware Bay Coast Guard VHF and p25 conventional VHF and UHF. Always listen to them in Mercer County. REM also makes the 842s which covers VHF High, UHF 1 and 2 and 7 - 800 MHz.
In which counties is 155.34 still used for paramedic to hospital …
2021年2月20日 · Freq Out Freq In Tone Callsign Description Category Agency/County State; 155.34000: 156.7 PL: VMED28 - EMS: VHF Public Safety Mutual Aid