SPEN - RadioReference.com Forums
Mar 19, 2015 · SPEN 2 - the national law enforcement emergency channel SPEN 3 - a law enforcement car-to-car channel (was more or less unusable in Bergen Co. because of Rockland Co. using it) SPEN 4 - an intercom with "everybody else" (same as JEMS 4 and usually claimed by EMS coordination at large scale multiple casualty incidents)
SPEN for Northern NJ - RadioReference.com Forums
May 3, 2022 · SPEN is a subset of that but many counties have their own "hotline" or equivalent for things generally internal to the county. Depending upon the county protocol, the dispatcher discretion, the nature of the issue, etc., the message may …
NJ SPEN & UTAC - RadioReference.com Forums
Jan 29, 2017 · Good day everyone. I was searching the forums and couldn't find anything recent so I figured I'd ask - Is the NJ SPEN and UTAC frequencies still operational? Thank you...
SPEN for Northern NJ | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
May 3, 2022 · SPEN is a perfect example true radio interoperability. after 911 interoperability was the new political buzzword, then everyone started to build ( were sold ) these statewide/county wide closed systems and getting rid of there perfectly good conventional radios, then starting to encrypt everything and we are now further away from true radio ...
SPEN 1 Carrier - RadioReference.com Forums
Nov 28, 2022 · Yes, SPEN 4 is the primary medevac option. This is all they really* have right now because UTAC 43D is not working for NorthSTAR. They can hear ground units calling them, but cannot talk back to the ground. Thus, agencies who washed VHF and SPEN capabilities out of their reach, (based on Central NJ encounters), are resorting to the nasty analog to P25 patches by having SPEN 4 patched into TRS ...
Spen - RadioReference.com Forums
Aug 4, 2008 · generally speaking spen is mostly "line of sight" just like any other vhf simplex frequency.variables such as output power and antenna height play into the equation.i do know of what i consider to be a pretty far spen exchange.a police dept.in central/eastern monmouth county talked base to car on spen 1.the car was in lodi.police hq.was able to ...
S.P.E.N. - RadioReference.com Forums
Mar 7, 2023 · SPEN 1 with a Radio Shack Sputnik ground plane. I get all of Burlington counties alerts.. it is interesting they had a retirement announcement of a transmission from an officer in Burlington to make his retirement transmission, they announced it on SPEN 1 but it only went over the Burlington County encrypted system.
What will become of SPEN? - RadioReference.com Forums
May 26, 2011 · most agencies are using older equiptment for SPEN 1 - when narrowbanding takes place what will the new SPEN channel be?? VCALL or VTAC or ?? who will replace the older radios the State? or will it be up to local agencies who can add narrowband to thier exsisting VHF, what about those in...
Best portable 500mhz antenna for a SDS100?
Mar 1, 2025 · Don't forget SPEN and Mercer County Wide emergency radio network, they do a roll call every Wednesday morning at 11:00 with every police agency in Mercer County.
In which counties is 155.34 still used for paramedic to hospital …
Feb 20, 2021 · We also had a SPEN-4 base station that I put in for the Statue of Liberty Centennial celebration. Seems like that came in handy a few other times in the history of the MC and that area, especially for MCIs.