Spendor D7 vs. Spendor A7 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年11月19日 · I have not listened to the A7. But I checked the Spendor site and the A7 and D7 are completely different configurations. If anything, the D7 are higher configuration models and if you have the budget and space, I would highly recommend the D7, based on the couple of tims I got to listen to them. Good luck.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2020年3月24日 · The Spendor D7.2’s will do that exceedingly well. One more little quibble I have with the DeVore O/93’s: there is something very slightly awry in the lower-midrange. I believe it was Ken Micallef who first pointed it out.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2015年4月23日 · Speaker cables- Acoustic Zen Hologram II Bi-wire (I know the D7's are single input) Subs- pair of REL T5s Power isolation- BPT 3.5 Signature Musical taste, 70s-80s rock, Adult contemporary, some alternative stuff, a little jazz. Not into classical or blues very much. Usually lots of instruments playing at the same time.
Choosing an Amplifier to go with Spendor D7
2020年8月26日 · Looking for an Amplifier to go with my Spendor D7's. I am leaning toward the Pass Labs XA30.8 or X250.8. Open to any suggestions. Where I live there is not anywhere close to go and demo. The pre-amp is a Mcintosh c2600 and been happy with tube pre-amp going into a …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2020年5月31日 · I own Spendor D7 for past year. They are not bright at all. They are neutral. I purchased them after demoing about two dozen other speakers over a six month period. The D7’s were the best, including beating other contenders up to …
Spendor D7 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年8月17日 · Basically I thoroughly auditioned a couple dozen speakers between $3k and $10k over several months and liked D7’s best. But that’s just my preference. Gotta go listen to as many as you can would be my recommendation, but yeah Spendor D7 one of most acclaimed speakers last 5 years - just seek out the reviews.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2021年7月10日 · The D7.2 are not too big for your room, I had the D7 for a while in a similar room and they sounded fantastic. I used a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II tube integrated and would greatly recommend using a high powered tube amp with the Spendors. The Spendor speakers are fast and lively and need some tube refinement for best sound.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年4月26日 · Spendor make, well, splendid speakers. The D7 and D9 are superlative. Their SP100 is also very interesting, but is often in the shadow of the Harbeth 40. Unlike Harbeth, who goes the monitor route, Spendor also make these less expensive floor-standers.
Upgrade Spendor A4 to D7.2? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2023年4月15日 · My wife has suggested I upgrade our Spendor A4s to D7.2s. The last time anyone asked about Spendor A-line vs D-line in this forum was in 2019 before the 7.2's came out. We like the sound of the Rega/Spendor combination and want to stick with that 'British' sound. The two instruments I'm looking for improvement in, are drums and piano.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2020年6月20日 · Not Spendor D series. They are neutral, BUT COMPARED to traditional Spendor, yes, they sound brighter. But that is because traditional Spendor is probably in the lower 30% of all speakers re brightness. It’s all in the perspective. I own …