Sperm whale - Wikipedia
Sperm whales' heads are filled with a waxy substance called " spermaceti " (sperm oil), from which the whale derives its name. Spermaceti was a prime target of the whaling industry and …
Whale Skeletons - Bonehenge Whale Center
As is typical in other deep-diving cetaceans, skull asymmetry in dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) is also predictable, exemplified in this head-on view.
Anatomy - SEASWAP
Atop the whale’s skull is positioned a large complex of organs filled with a liquid mixture of fats and waxes called spermaceti. Through this complex sperm whales use their highly developed …
The Sperm Whale | Beauty in the Bones
The skull of a sperm whale is very interesting anatomically. It has a flattened frontal bone which creates a bowl like shape above the maxilla where the spermaceti organ sites. This is a …
Behold Livyatan: the sperm whale that killed other whales
2010年6月30日 · Similarly sized teeth had been found as early as 1877, providing tantalising hints of a giant, predatory sperm whale. But the skull that matched those teeth has only just been …
The sperm whale’s impressive body - Whale Scientists
2020年3月27日 · The sperm whale is not the biggest mammal on earth but it has the largest brain with an average of 7.8kg of brain mass in males. Its head represents ⅓ of its total body length …
Properties and architecture of the sperm whale skull amphitheatre
2016年2月1日 · The sperm whale skull amphitheatre cradles an enormous two-tonne spermaceti organ. The amphitheatre separates this organ from the cranium and the cervical vertebrae that …
(A), Dorsal view of the skull in the adult female sperm whale …
Within the toothed whale group, the skull of the sperm whale is unique in its size and shape (Figures 1, 5 & 6). It consists of slender jaws and a compact brain case.
The sperm whale's skull accounts for perhaps 12 percent of the weight of the head. The other 88 percent consists mainly of a peculiar anatomical feature located in the whale's snout above the …
Sperm Whales - Whalespotter
Sperm Whale Skull (Vagawi – Wikimedia Commons) As an adaptation to echolocation toothed whales skulls are asymmetrical in shape. The echolocation organs sit on the forehead of the …