Spica casting - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
Apply a first layer of cast material to the leg and body sections, taking care to connect leg to body securely, in a figure of eight (spica technique). Pitfall: While not common, compartment syndrome may occur after application of a spica cast. The cast should therefore end above the ankle to allow evaluation of pulses and foot and ankle movement.
Hip spica - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
A first layer of cast material is applied to leg and body sections, taking care to connect leg to body securely, in a figure of eight (spica technique). Reinforcing slabs of casting material may be applied between the body segment and the leg segment.
Hip spica casting - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
Cut a generous length of tubular bandage to dress the injured leg and a larger diameter tube for the torso. Tape the two parts of the tubular bandage together to prevent separation of the bandages as the child is moved. Place the back support for the spica box against the patient's skin underneath the tubular bandage.
Application of Hip Spica Cast Using a Box-and-Bar Technique
Application of a hip spica is one of the most commonly performed procedures in paediatric orthopaedics. A commercial hip spica table is not always available, and is expensive. A straight spine and pressure free abdomen are vital for the comfort of the child and to allow expansion of thorax and abdomen.
Hip Spica Table: A Technical Note - PMC
An ergonomically designed spica table aids in precise application of hip spica. Various hip spica application tables and spica application techniques have been described in the literature with their advantages and disadvantages.
Application of hip spica cast using a box-and-bar technique
MeSH terms Casts, Surgical* Child Femoral Fractures / surgery Fracture Fixation / instrumentation* Hip / surgery* Humans Postoperative Complications / prevention & controlApplication of hip spica cast using a box-and-bar technique
Hip spica for Incomplete midcervical
Hip spica is only likely to be used in the treatment of small children with proximal femoral fractures. For larger children, internal fixation should be used even for nondisplaced fractures.
A spica cast (body cast) may be used to treat a femur fracture, to immobilize the hip following a surgical procedure, or to stabilize a dislocated hip. It involves placing casting material from the nipples down to the toes on one or both sides.
Hip Spica Cast - International Hip Dysplasia Institute
While the Spica Cast itself is not a surgical procedure, the spica cast is generally used after a surgical procedure for hip dysplasia. This is because the hip joint needs to be kept in the new, surgically repaired hip joint position to ensure proper development of the hip joint.
Application of hip spica cast using a box-and-bar technique.
2008年11月1日 · Application of a hip spica is one of the most commonly performed procedures in paediatric orthopaedics. A commercial hip spica table is not always available, and is expensive. A straight spine and pressure free abdomen are vital for the comfort of the child and to allow expansion of thorax and abdomen.
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