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In August, Spica was unexpectedly called up to the main TSM roster due to dysfunction with its two junglers Grig and Akaadian. Spica played for TSM during the final week of LCS 2019 Summer and continued as the starter during playoffs and regional finals, where TSM failed to qualify for Worlds 2019 after being reverse swept by Clutch Gaming.
Spica - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
Mingyi " Spica " Lu (born February 17, 2002) is a Chinese / American League of Legends player who is currently playing as a Jungler for Near Airport. Spica debuted at Scouting Grounds 2017 and was later signed by Echo Fox Academy after finishing the school year.
Spica (Mingyi Lu) - lcsprofiles
He joined TSM Academy in 2019 and made a sudden LCS debut at the end of summer split as TSM’s jungle position was in flux. Received the LCS MVP award in summer 2021. Known for going 0-6 at Worlds 2020 after winning summer split with TSM.
Spica ⇒ League of Legends ⇒ LOLNow.gg
2024年10月7日 · Spica currently serves as the jungler for Team TSM, a renowned organization in the League of Legends esports community. His role is crucial, as the jungler is responsible for controlling the map, securing objectives, and setting up plays that lead the team to victory.
TSM Spica gets a FIVE man SLEEP - TSM vs GenG - Worlds 2020
2021年9月23日 · Spica hits a 5 man ult but the rest of TSM just watch! Please Like, Comment and Subscribe for more of the best League of Legends highlights everyday. Make sure to check out everyone featured in...
卢明义,游戏ID:Spica,原 Team SoloMid 英雄联盟分部 打野 选手, [1-2] 现效力于 FlyQuest 英雄联盟分部。 [3] 2022年12月14日消息,LCS赛区的FlyQuest(简称FLY)官方在推特上宣布前TSM打野选手Spica加入。 [3] 百度百科内容由网友共同编辑,如您发现自己的词条内容不准确或不完善,欢迎使用本人词条编辑服务(免费)参与修正。 立即前往>> 卢明义,游戏ID:Spica,原Team SoloMid英雄联盟分部打野选手,现效力于FlyQuest英雄联盟分部。
TSMSpica个人资料 - 3DM网游频道
2024年2月28日 · Spica是一位中国籍的选手,他在2019年4月作为青训队员加入的TSM青训队担任打野,在几个月后就获得了代替一队打野Akaadian登上LCS赛场的机会,但是他上场之后发挥并不是特别好,在冒泡赛上输给了CG,以至于2019年TSM没有进世界赛,没多久spica又回到了青训队。
2022年9月5日 · Spica卢明义是一名来自中国的职业选手。2019年夏天,从TSM二队成为了TSM一队的首发打野,效力至今。Spica的职业生涯曾经非常起伏,在19年的时候冒泡赛输给GG无缘世界赛,而仅仅上场几个月就被踢回二队。
Spica_TSM战队Spica_TSM战队Spica资料_Spica比赛数据_lol_玩加 …
外网网友爆料TSM夏季赛阵容:Maple搭档Spica中野 sona; TSM打野Spica荣获2021 LCS夏季赛MVP sona; LCS公布常规赛MVP前十名单:FBI、Spica、Blab sona; SN与TSM训练赛:TSM打野Spica三杀带队取胜 sona; Riot解说透露:TSM将在季后赛启用中国籍打野Spica sona的36E
英雄联盟 TSM Spica 亡灵战神赛恩 vs 封魔剑魂永恩 [ JUNGLE ] …
[HFR] 英雄联盟 TSM Spica 影流之主劫 vs 盲僧李青 打野 Ranked NA Patch 11.18