Spical | Spider Mite Control | Predatory Mites (Neoseiulus …
Discover Spical, Koppert's solution for biological pest control of spider mites species. Implement Spical for sustainable pest management.
Discover Spical, Koppert's solution for biological pest control of spider mites species. Implement Spical for sustainable pest management.
Ten facts about Spical | Koppert Global
2022年8月9日 · Ten need-to-know facts about Spical. Spical controls all types of spider mites that make webs, both in greenhouses and outdoors. The product can be used in vegetable crops …
How to use Spical from Koppert Video | DoMyOwn.com
Koppert Spical (Amblyseius californicus) is a unique product that's specially designed to effectively control spider mites.
Spical Ulti-Mite | Spider Mite Control | Predatory Mites …
Spical Ulti-Mite: A biological control agent for spider mite management. For very low or high relative humidity. Enhance crop health with a natural solution.
Spical – CropKing
SPICAL ( use in conjunction with SPIDEX ) Neoseiulus califronicus: Target: two spotted spider mite, carmine spider mite and fruit tree red spider mite : all stages, preferring younger stages. …
Koppert Spical (Amblyseius californicus) 250 ml (4906) - Do My Own
It contains Neoseiulus californicus (formerly known as Amblyseius californicus) which specifically targets fruit spider mite (Panonychus ulmi), two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), …
Koppert Spical Plus (Amblyseius californicus) 100 Pack (491) - Do …
The Koppert Spical-Plus are effective predatory mites that eliminates a variety of spider mites and other pests that permanently damages crops and leaves. It kills spider mites during early …
Spical Ulti-Mite: Amblyseius californicus - Natural Enemies
Amblyseius californicus is a Type II generalist predatory mite that primarily attacks spider mites, but will also feed on many other leaf inhabiting mites (even some microscopic species like …
Spical Fecha de actualización: 14-04-23 www.koppert.mx 1 Ficha técnica Spical Neoseiulus californicus | Ácaro depredador Objetivo • Araña roja (Tetranychus urticae). • Araña roja de los …