Infrastructure Engineering Software Company - Bentley
SPIDAcalc makes it straightforward to collect, model, and optimize overhead telecommunications and distribution assets, giving you transparency, control, and flexibility over collection, material specification, and analysis methods. Intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, configurable workspaces, and interactive 2D and 3D views.
SPIDA® Software
SPIDA Software is now featured on Bentley.com. For more information, please follow the links below or Contact Sales > NEED SUPPORT ASSISTANCE? If you are a current SPIDA user looking for license or product support, please submit a ticket here >. Get the Asset Intelligence You Need to Make Smart, Data-Driven Decisions.
Introducing SPIDAcalc v8.0 - SPIDA® Software
SPIDAcalc makes it straightforward to collect, model, and optimize overhead T&D assets, giving organizations transparency, control, and flexibility over collection, material specification, and analysis methods.
Buy SPIDAcalc | Overhead Electric Distribution Software - Virtuosity
SPIDAcalc makes it straightforward to collect, model, and optimize overhead assets, giving organizations transparency, control, and flexibility over collection, material specification, and analysis methods.
SPIDA - Lunch & Learns - Communities
July 2023: Design and Analysis in SPIDAcalc v8.0 In this lunch and learn, we explored and reviewed connected designs, incorporating new SPIDAcalc v8 features such as terrain CSV imports.
Model, Analyze, and Optimize Grid Infrastructure with SPIDA®calc
Explore how SPIDAcalc utilizes a combination of an easy-to-use graphical interface paired with a robust analysis engine to provide accurate results for real-world construction applications.
SPIDA Software Academy
All Courses, SPIDAcalc Courses SPIDAcalc Training - Extended Functionality v7. 42 Lessons
trusted structural analysis software. While traditional methods of pole loading are manual, tedious, and time-consuming, SPIDAcalc’s intuitive interface pairs eficient pole.
ze your infrastructure is fundamental for today’s modern utility. Implementing a product like SPIDAcalc can help you collect, model, and optimize overhead assets, giving you transparency, control, and flexibility while improving your system’s integrity and reliability, . porated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other.
schema/doc/calc.md at master · spidasoftware/schema · GitHub
Calc defines an open, human readable format for importing pole and project information. It is in JSON, an industry standard that can be written from any source language. The data format is defined by the schemas available in this project, which can also be used to validate files before they are sent to Calc.