SPIDR – five simple techniques for a perfectly split user story - itemis
2017年7月27日 · Agile coach and co-founder of the Scrum Alliance, Mike Cohn, noted that "almost every story can be split with one of five techniques". He summarizes these five techniques under the acronym "SPIDR". Firstly there are two types of user stories that are fundamentally different from each other:
SPIDR: Five Simple but Powerful Ways to Split User Stories
2024年6月20日 · With the short iterations used in agile, it’s helpful to have small units of work. The five techniques we’ve covered here–splitting by spikes, paths, interfaces, data, and rules–should allow you to split any story. The SPIDR techniques are easy to remember but putting them into action can require a little training and a lot of practice.
SPIDR: An Alternative Method for Splitting User Stories
One alternative method for splitting user stories is called SPIDR. SPIDR stands for: In agile terminology, a spike is research conducted to make the development team smarter about what it will take to implement a user story. In some cases, a story is large because there are a lot of technical unknowns.
SPIDR is an interesting and useful method to split user stories into lighter stories more easily and more efficiently. “Almost every story can be divided using one of the five techniques”. – Agile coach and co-founder of the Scrum Alliance, Mike Cohn. SPIDR summarizes the five techniques: SPIKES | TRAILS | INTERFACES | DATA | RULES. Why ...
垂直切片是敏捷需求拆分的最佳实践 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Spike 探针,或称技术预研,通常指功能的小型原型实现,或是对新技术的调研和可行性评估。 探针法 通常适用于需求不明确或太复杂,团队需要更多信息以供决策的情况。 通过技术预研充分理解需求内涵,快速探知可能的技术方案,初步判断工作量,以支持需求的细化拆分。 如果完整需求存在多个实现路径或场景(通常由 和/等/或 等描述词体现),那么拆分时不必遍历所有情况,只需要选取部分路径并将它们编写成用户故事即可。 举个例子 : 线上购物的用户可以使用银行卡 …
敏捷开发 - SPIDR - 完美分割用户故事的五种简单技巧 - 敏捷Scrum框架 - SegmentFault …
2019年2月12日 · Spike是敏捷软件开发中使用的术语。 尖峰是功能的小型原型实现,通常用于新技术的评估和可行性。 该方法涉及调查和建立知识。 如果其他SPIDR方法效果不佳,则应该使用它。 借助这些新获得的知识,可以更好地理解一些故事,并可能更容易地分裂。 然而,该方法相对抽象,因此比其余方法更难应用。 如果用户故事中有多个可能的备用路径,则一个选项是从这些路径中的某些路径创建单独的用户故事。 为每条路径写一个故事并不是绝对必要的,只要它 …
一次用户故事拆 (SPIDR) 法实践 - InfoQ 写作社区
按照SPIDR拆分五步法,这个案例的拆分应该属于Paths或者Rules这两种都可以。 主要思想是按照业务线纵向来拆分用户故事,保证需求的完整,同时对客户有价值。
SPIDR: Unleashing the Power of User Story Splitting - jelmar-van …
2023年9月1日 · Discover how SPIDR revolutionizes user story splitting with its unique methods—Spikes, Paths, Interface, Data, and Rules. Learn how these techniques empower teams to break down complex stories and deliver software faster.
《需求拆分流程图》详解 | 敏捷实践 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在敏捷开发中,采用 spidr 框架中的 5 种方法可以很好地完成需求的垂直切片,将大的需求纵向拆分成小但有价值的、可独立交付的用户故事。 回顾「需求垂直切片」和「拆分第一招:SPIDR 框架」,请戳 垂直切片是敏捷…
Splitting User Stories: SPIDR Techniques - 5D Vision - Agile …
A spike is frequently used by Agile teams for the feasibility and evaluation of new technologies before building a new functionality. Often, part of the complexity of a User Story derives from the need to research, experiment with, and learn a new technology, rather than using it …