Splenic artery: Anatomy, branches, supply - Kenhub
2023年10月30日 · Along its course, the splenic artery is accompanied by the splenic vein, which drains into the hepatic portal vein. Along its course, the splenic artery gives off several branches before entering the hilum of the spleen and dividing into its terminal branches. The pancreatic branches of the splenic artery arise from its proximal portion.
Splenic Vein: Anatomy and Function - Cleveland Clinic
2024年9月30日 · Your splenic artery delivers oxygen-rich blood to your spleen, while your splenic vein takes used blood away from your spleen to your liver for processing. Basically, your artery brings in fresh blood, and your vein carries out your old blood.
Splenic vein: Anatomy, tributaries, drainage - Kenhub
2023年10月30日 · From its origin site, the splenic vein runs horizontally toward the midline, below the accompanying splenic artery and deep to the tail and body of the pancreas. As it courses over the upper posterior abdominal wall, the splenic vein passes anterior to the left kidney, renal hilum and left renal vessels.
Splenic artery | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年9月20日 · It is a tortuous artery, running superior to the pancreas before turning forward into the splenorenal ligament to the hilum of the spleen. The splenic vein accompanies it inferoposteriorly. Near the splenic hilum the splenic artery gives off a superior polar branch before dividing into superior and inferior terminal branches or lobar branches ...
Splenic artery - Wikipedia
The splenic artery passes between the layers of the lienorenal ligament. Along its course, it is accompanied by a similarly named vein, the splenic vein, which drains into the hepatic portal vein.
Anatomy of the splenic artery: what does the surgeon need to …
to determine the prevalence and describe the main morphological and metric variations of the splenic artery in terms of its origin, path and polar and terminal branches. cross-sectional study, carried out at Hospital de Clínicas between July and November 2020.
Splenic vein - Wikipedia
In human anatomy, the splenic vein (formerly the lienal vein) is a blood vessel that drains blood from the spleen, the stomach fundus and part of the pancreas. It is part of the hepatic portal system.
Splenic vein | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年10月3日 · The splenic vein is formed by splenic tributaries emerging at the splenic hilum in the splenorenal ligament at the tip of the tail of pancreas. It runs in the splenorenal ligament in close association with the splenic artery .
Morphological Evaluation of the Splenic Artery, Its Anatomical ...
Results: The analysis of the splenic artery trajectory led to identification of four types: straight (43.03%), sinusoidal (27.58%), serpentine (20.91%) and alternating (8.48%). To assess the relation between the trajectory of the splenic artery and its branches we performed a …
Splenic Artery Originating from the Superior Mesenteric Artery: …
After originating from the SMA, the splenic artery branched laterally, posterior to the pancreatic body and tail. Normally, the splenic artery courses superior to the splenic vein, and the artery can be ligated before the vein to minimize venous congestion of the spleen.