Looking for tips to protect wood handles on splitting ax
2009年1月8日 · Something my dad did to a nice 8 lb splitting maul was wrap it with electric fence wire from the bottom of the maul head out about 5 inches. Real tight. Then wrap it with the sh*t load of duct tape. I inherited the maul after dad passed away and have use it on about 25 cords over the last six years and it is still running strong.
Suggest axe handle overstrike protection? - Bushcraft USA Forums
2015年1月17日 · I agree with this. The old ways are still the best ways. Use the axe and keep a spare handle set aside for it when the time is right. Keep a "beater axe" around for heavy splitting work and save your prized axes for lighter duty. I think just about anything wrapped around a hickory handle looks like hell but that is just me.
How To Protect Axe Handle Near Head of Axe? - Bushcraft USA …
2010年10月14日 · Pisses me off to no end, after a few years you develop a close bond with a good handle, it becomes a test of just how long can I get it to last. I now keep an 8 pound maul with a plastic handle next to the 13 pound maul with …
Splitting wedge - Bushcraft USA Forums
2018年1月1日 · Before I got my splitter, I lived with a few metal wedges, a splitting maul and a good sledge. Get a protector for the handle on the sledge. Saves handles and curse words. I used the maul on the splitting maul and the wedges. Always have at least one extra wedge to free a trapped wedge. The splitting maul served this purpose a lot.
Splitting maul repairs, epoxy filler?? - Hearth.com Forums
2011年7月13日 · My splitting maul has an epoxy filler around where the handle fits into the head. In time, through the weather and vibration, the epoxy has become loose and the combination of the two is now unsafe. Has anyone had this simular situation happen and found a repair type epoxy that was used to fill...
Stihl Pro Splitting Maul | Hearth.com Forums Home
2015年12月16日 · Ochsenkopf Wood splitting hammer professional BIG OX, 1707663, 4010905635395 Forged hammer head with turning nose and extra large striking face, e.g. for driving wedges, With high-quality hickory handle and blade-protection.
Home made over strike protection.... - Hearth.com Forums
2009年2月7日 · I made a great over strike protector for the handle of my fiberglass mauls. I have an 8 LB and a 4.5 LB. You go to the local hardware store and go into the plumbing section, and get an 1 1/4 fernco, or what best fits your handle, which is basically a rubber joint for plumbing, with indented areas at each end that have hose clamps for tightening ...
Splitting maul handle preference | Hearth.com Forums Home
2008年3月26日 · I have a wooden handle maul I never use because it upsets me if I miss hit and catch the wood handle. I like some of the ideas to aid in this dilema. However, I really like the metal handle on the Monster Maul. Never have to worry about a miss hit, and with gloves it just slides real nice. It is also orange which makes it easy to see in the woods.
Ideal length for splitting axe - Bushcraft USA Forums
2015年7月1日 · I also recommend a maul if it's for splitting at home. I like a 6lb, as most of my stuff is fairly straight grained so lifting the extra 2lbs every time isn't necessary. My current user is a head I recovered from the scrap steel bin at the recycling depot. I nabbed it because it's an axe-eye maul head, which I much prefer over the sledge-eye style.
splitting axe handle - wood or fiberglass? - Hearth.com Forums
2010年12月3日 · Now, a MAUL on the other hand, different story. M'self, I'd never bother with something like a "Monster Maul" for a bunch of reasons:-6 lb steel seems about the optimum for me for velocity & control (else, get a chainsaw.)-rigid steel pipe handle is really hard on the hands, reportedly. For starters. 6 lb of steel on a nice piece of hickory ...