Bad apples - Wikipedia
The bad apples metaphor originated as a warning of the corrupting influence of one corrupt or sinful person on a group: that "one bad apple can spoil the barrel". Over time the concept has …
One 'Bad Apple' Correct Interpretation | Merriam-Webster
One bad apple is often used to explain that an isolated incident of misconduct is not representative of the group, but the full proverb 'one bad apple can spoil the bunch' suggests …
bad apple meaning, origin, example, sentence, history - The Idioms
The phrase “bad apple” is widely used today to describe someone whose negative behavior can spoil the reputation or environment of an entire group. While its current usage is metaphorical, …
Bad Apple – Idiom, Meaning, Example & Usage
2024年9月15日 · The term “bad apple” refers to a person who has a negative influence on others within a group. It suggests that just like one rotten apple can cause other apples around it to …
Can One Bad Apple Spoil the Bunch? - Wonderopolis
2013年6月9日 · You've probably experienced times when one bad apple — one negative person — did spoil the bunch by creating a negative atmosphere. But can the opposite work, too? …
Understanding "bad apple" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage ...
Some synonyms for “bad apple” include “rotten egg,” “black sheep,” “spoiled fruit,” or simply “troublemaker.” These terms all refer to a person who is seen as problematic or disruptive …
Bad Apple – Idiom, Origin & Meaning - GRAMMARIST
Bad Apple Meaning. A bad apple is a term we often use to talk about a troublesome or problematic person in a group whose actions or behavior could negatively affect the entire …
One bad apple can spoil the bunch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
proverb It only takes one person, thing, element, etc., to ruin the entire group, situation, project, etc. Refers to the fact that a rotting apple can cause other apples in close proximity to begin to …
'One Bad Apple' Meaning - UsingEnglish.com
Idiom: One bad apple Meaning: The full form of this proverb is 'one bad apple spoils the barrel', meaning that a bad person, policy, etc, can ruin everything around it.
Does One Bad Apple Really Spoil the Whole Bunch? - Mental Floss
2014年8月7日 · We’ve all heard the saying "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch," and have probably seen instances where it does apply to people, but does it actually happen with fruit? …