Mol Cell | 揭示SPOP蛋白如何在癌症中发挥作用 - 知乎
2023年2月5日 · 多项研究表明,斑点型POZ蛋白(SPOP)可抑制多种人类恶性肿瘤的发生,包括前列腺癌、肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、结肠癌和子宫内膜癌。 SPOP是前列腺癌中突变最多的蛋白质。 然而,目前尚不完全清楚SPOP突变是如何导致癌症的。 现在, St. Jude儿童研究医院 的科学家们报告说,他们已经使用 冷冻电镜 (cryo-EM)捕捉到整个SPOP组件的第一个3D结构。 他们的发现发表在 《Molecular Cell》 杂志上的一篇文章中,文章标题为“Higher-order SPOP assembly …
2020年6月21日 · 研究发现E3泛素连接酶斑点型锌指结构蛋白(speckle-type POZ protein,SPOP)在Pca的发生发展中起重要抑制作用。 本文重点介绍SPOP的结构、功能及其在Pca中的突变情况及相关底物;总结SPOP抑制Pca发生发展的分子机制:调控雄激素受 …
揭秘SPOP突变前列腺癌耐药机制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
该研究首次发现BRD2、BRD3和BRD4(BET蛋白,一类可以和 乙酰化组蛋白 结合的表观遗传学调控蛋白)是SPOP的作用底物。 正常细胞中SPOP通过蛋白酶体途径促进BET蛋白的 泛素化 降解,将BET蛋白维持在较低水平。 图1. 99例表达 野生型 SPOP或突变型SPOP的前列腺癌中BRD2, BRD3和BRD4 免疫组化图 及其量化指标(图片来源《Nature》) SPOP突变导致其与BET蛋白的相互作用及其促进BET蛋白泛素化降解的能力大为降低,BET蛋白在肿瘤组织中大量积累。 …
SPOP mutations in prostate cancer: Clinical and genomic features.
2021年3月2日 · Background: Point mutations in the gene encoding speckle-type pox virus and zinc finger protein (SPOP) are the most frequently identified mutations in prostate cancer, occurring at a frequency of 6-15% across localized and disseminated cancers.
SPOP mutation leads to genomic instability in prostate cancer
2015年9月16日 · Genomic instability is a fundamental feature of human cancer often resulting from impaired genome maintenance. In prostate cancer, structural genomic rearrangements are a common mechanism driving tumorigenesis. However, somatic alterations predisposing to chromosomal rearrangements in prostate cance …
Prostate cancer-associated SPOP mutations lead to genomic
2021年7月9日 · Speckle-type Poz protein (SPOP), an E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor, is the most frequently mutated gene in prostate cancer. The SPOP-mutated subtype of prostate cancer shows high genomic instability, but the underlying mechanisms causing this phenotype are still largely unknown.
SPOP point mutations regulate substrate preference and affect its ...
2024年2月26日 · The adaptor SPOP recruits substrates to CUL3 E3 ligase for ubiquitination and degradation. Structurally, SPOP harbors a MATH domain for substrate recognition, and a BTB domain responsible for ...
SPOP Mutations as a Predictive Biomarker for Androgen Receptor …
2022年11月14日 · Results: In the ARAT cohort, presence of SPOP mutation compared with wild-type was associated with more favorable TTCRPC [not reached (NR) vs. 16.7 months; adjusted HR (aHR), 0.20; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.06-0.63; P = 0.006] and OS (NR vs. 27.2 months; aHR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.05-0.79; P = 0.022).
SPOP mutations target STING1 signaling in prostate cancer and …
Somatic heterozygous missense mutations in the SPOP1 substrate-binding cleft are found in up to 15% of prostate cancers. While mutations in SPOP predict for benefit from Androgen Receptor signaling inhibition (ARSi) therapy, outcomes for patients with SPOP-mutant (SPOPmut) prost...
SPOP-IN-1 | SPOP E3 ubiquitin ligase抑制剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
SPOP-IN-1 is a selective SPOP E3 ubiquitin ligase inhibitor. SPOP-IN-1 leads to the accumulation of tumor suppressors PTEN and DUSP7 and decreased levels of phosphorylated AKT and ERK in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma [1]. Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere. * 请根据产品在不同溶剂中的溶解度选择合适的溶剂配制储备液;一旦配成溶液,请分装保存,避免反复冻融造成的产品失效。