Sporozoite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sporozoites are the infective stage of the malaria parasite. They are deposited in the skin by infected Anopheles mosquitoes and must penetrate cell barriers in the skin and liver sinusoid to reach their target cell, the hepatocyte, where they enter in a vacuole and begin development into the next life cycle stage, the exoerythrocytic form.
孢子虫纲 - 百度百科
裂殖生殖是指侵入寄主体内的子孢子(sporozoite)所进行的生长之后的多分裂,分裂所形成的许多子体称为裂殖子(merozoite),或称营养子(trophozoite)。 裂殖子是其营养取食阶段,裂殖子先增大体积,再侵入新的寄主细胞,继续进行裂殖生殖,直到寄主体内达到相当多的殖裂子,所以裂殖生殖是孢子虫类的大量繁殖时期。 配子生殖. 裂殖子经过多次生殖之后,部分的裂殖子分别分化成大配子母细胞(macrogametocyte)及小配子母细胞(microgametocyte),由大、小 …
Plasmodium Sporozoite Biology - PMC
Sporozoites colonize mosquito salivary glands, migrate through the skin, penetrate blood vessels, breach the liver sinusoid, and invade hepatocytes.
Sporozoite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sporozoites from the salivary glands of infected anophelines feeding on humans rapidly transit through the bloodstream to invade hepatocytes, where they transform to schizonts.
Sporozoite | biology | Britannica
species exhibit three life-cycle stages—gametocytes, sporozoites, and merozoites. Gametocytes within a mosquito develop into sporozoites. The sporozoites are transmitted via the saliva of a feeding mosquito to the human bloodstream. From there they enter liver parenchyma cells, where they divide and form merozoites.
Sporozoites - (General Biology I) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
Sporozoites are the infective stage of certain parasitic protozoans, particularly those in the phylum Apicomplexa, which includes well-known parasites like Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. These motile cells are produced during the asexual reproduction of the parasite and are critical for initiating infection in the host organism.
Sporozoa Definition, Examples, Classification and Characteristics
Sporozoa is a large subphylum consisting of many unicellular, intracellular parasites. Currently, the group is suggested to contain over 65,000 species with varying morphological characteristics.
The Plasmodium sporozoite journey: a rite of passage - Cell Press
Sporozoites are the most versatile of the invasive stages of the Plasmodium life cycle. During their passage within the mosquito vector and the vertebrate host, sporozoites display diverse behaviors, including gliding locomotion and invasion of, …
Plasmodium sporozoites on the move: Switching from cell …
Plasmodium sporozoites, the mosquito‐transmitted forms of the malaria parasite, traverse multiple cells during their migration from the skin to the liver, before switching to productive invasion of a suitable hepatocyte for replication.
Sporozoite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sporozoites represent the stage of Plasmodium spp. malaria parasites that are delivered by an infected anopheline mosquito to a susceptible vertebrate host.