SPOT Satellite Communication Devices | Saved by SPOT | US
SPOT sells affordable satellite safety devices, delivering reliable location-based tracking, messaging and lifesaving SOS technology. SPOT products monitor your location, connecting to emergency responders while out of cellular range.
SPOT Products and Services | Saved by SPOT | US - findmespot.com
SPOT products include two-way satellite messaging with SPOT X, GPS and one-way messenging with SPOT Gen3 and asset tracking and theft detection with SPOT Trace, so you can stay connected when in or out of cellular coverage.
SPOT Gen4 | Saved by SPOT | US - findmespot.com
SPOT Gen4 gives you a critical, life-saving line of communication when you travel beyond the boundaries of reliable cellular service. SPOT Gen4 lets family, friends, and colleagues know you are OK, or if the unexpected should happen, sends your GPS location to emergency responders all with the push of a button.
Dispositivo de comunicación satélite SP... | Saved by SPOT | ES
SPOT vende dispositivos de seguridad vía satélite asequibles para un rastreo fiable según la ubicación y tecnología SOS de mensajería y salvamento. Los productos SPOT controlan su ubicación y responden en caso de emergencia.
Dispositivos de Comunicação Satelital S... | Saved by SPOT | BR
Oferecemos serviços acessíveis de segurança via satélite, com comunicação de conficança, troca de mensagens e tecnologia SOS que salva vidas. Produtos SPOT monitoram sua localização, conectando-o mesmo fora da rede celular.
How SPOT Satellite Communication Works | Saved by SPOT | US
SPOT uses GPS data to determine your location. Track your adventure and send your location and messages through Globalstar's satellite network to family and friends. SPOT connects you to GEOS Rescue Coordination Center in an emergency.
SPOT Service Plans | Saved by SPOT | US - findmespot.com
SPOT offers a variety of service plan options to fit your needs. Plan options include contact plans for year-round use and flex plans for seasonal use. Service plans are required for device use and purchased at the time of device activation.
SPOT X 2-Way Satellite Messenger | Saved by SPOT | US
SPOT X two-way satellite messenger connects to your smart phone via Bluetooth wireless technology. SPOT X features include two-way messaging, compass, safety check-ins, an SOS button that conects to 24/7 Search & Rescue services and more.
SPOT My Account
All SPOT products described on this website are the products of SPOT LLC, which is not affiliated in any manner with SPOT Image of Toulouse, France or SPOT Image Corporation of Chantilly, Virginia.
Dispositivos de comunicación satelital ... | Saved by SPOT | LA
SPOT vende dispositivos de comunicación satelital, entregando un rastreo confiable basado en la ubicación, mensajes y tecnología SOS Los productos SPOT monitorean su ubicación y se conectan a los servicios de emergencia mientras están fuera del alcance celular.