How to Grow and Care for Begonia Maculata - The Spruce
2024年9月2日 · Begonia maculata, also known as the polka dot begonia, is a tropical perennial and one of the most striking begonias. The spotted, elongated leaves are dark green, sometimes ranging from olive to forest green.
Begonia Maculata Care: How to Grow Polka Dot Begonia (Wightii)
2021年6月17日 · Begonia maculata is also called the polka dot begonia due to its silver-spotted leaves. The silvery spots on the dark, olive-green angel wing-shaped leaves create striking foliage. This eye-catching houseplant is relatively easy to care for indoors.
Polka Dot Begonia: Plant Care (Begonia Maculata)
The stunning, spotted foliage of the polka dot begonia makes this houseplant popular among beginners and more seasoned indoor gardeners alike. This article will be your ultimate guide to caring for a healthy polka dot
How to Grow and Care for Begonia maculata - BBC Gardeners …
2022年2月8日 · All you need to know about growing Begonia maculata (the polka-dot begonia) in our Grow Guide. The polka dot begonia or spotted begonia (often also referred to as spotty begonia), Begonia maculata, is an attractive and very covetable house plant.
Beginner’s Guide to Begonia Maculata: How to Grow Gorgeous …
If you like tropical houseplants with a fun little flair, you'll love Begonia maculata, also known as the polka dot Begonia or spotted Begonia. This plant is unique for its angel wing-shaped leaves with silvery dots all over them! Learn how to keep a polka dot Begonia maculata happy in …
Begonia maculata (Polka Dot Begonia): All You Need To Know
Begonia maculata, commonly known as the Polka Dot Begonia, is a visually striking houseplant that is renowned for its unique appearance and ease of care. It offers a stunning aesthetic with its distinctively spotted leaves and showy blooms.
Spotted Begonia: Plant Care Guide - How Many Plants
Known for their 'angel wing' leaves with the cutest silver polka dots and red undersides! These are cane-type begonias, which means they grow on upright stems, generally in clusters or clumps and can grow quite tall! HOW MANY GREEN THUMBS? Always water thoroughly, but allow the top inch or two to dry out completely before watering again.
Polka Dot Begonia Care – Spotted Begonia Maculata - Mod and …
2024年4月29日 · The Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia maculata) is a beautiful houseplant with unique spotted leaves. The top of the leaves have silver-white polka dots, while the underside is a deep red or purple. It’s a great plant to grow indoors if you can provide the right care.
Begonia maculata - Wikipedia
Begonia maculata (maculata meaning "spotted"), the polka dot begonia, [2] is a species of begonia native to southeast Brazil. [3][4] It grows naturally in the Atlantic rainforest, with occurrences confirmed in the Brazilian states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. [5] .
Begonia Maculata - Polka Dot Begonia Care - Paisley Plants
2022年3月26日 · The Begonia maculata, otherwise more commonly known as the polka dot begonia or the spotted begonia is a peculiar tropical houseplant. It was originally discovered in Brazil in 1982 but it’s originally native to Mexico, Asia, South Africa and Central America.