SPPU-22 - Weaponsystems.net
The SPPU-22 is a late Cold War era gun pod of Soviet origin. It was developed in the 1970's for use on fixed wing aircraft. The SPPU-22 has the unique feature of its armament that can be …
图说:苏联机炮吊舱的演变与发展 炮身可向下偏转 避免进入俯冲
苏-22m战斗机向后挂载的sppu-22-01吊舱,炮弹向斜后方发射。 sppu-22-01吊舱全长3.8米,战斗全重320千克,主要配备苏-17 / 22攻击机,因此吊舱名称中的“22”就表示载机为苏-22。
СППУ-22-01 : Twin Barrel Guns (Gast System Guns)
Shooting container SPPU-22-01 (& # 1057; & # 1055; & # 1055; & # 1059; -22-01) was developed for the needs of the aircraft Su-17 (and its derivatives), although it was later used on aircraft …
Sukhoi Su-17 - Wikipedia
The SPPU-22 ground attack variant featured 30 degrees of traverse. An experimental version of the Su-20 was built with fixed wings attached to an Su-17M fuselage, in an effort to increase …
Articulated Gun Pods Allowed Soviet Aircraft To Fire Backwards ...
2021年4月12日 · Weighing 705 pounds when loaded with ammunition, the 12-foot 6-inch SPPU-22-01 is primarily associated with the Su-17/Su-22 Fitter swing-wing ground-attack aircraft — …
СППУ (SPPU)-22-苏/俄СППУ (SPPU)-22图片性能技术参数怎么样 …
中文名称: СППУ(sppu)-22 机炮吊舱; 所属国家: 苏/俄; 研发单位: 全俄防务出口总公司(voged) 总重: 320.0千克; 型号: 备弹量260发; 全长: 3800.0毫米; 类型: 航空炮
Su-22 FITTER (SUKHOI) - GlobalSecurity.org
The Soviet Su-22 fighter-bomber during the Afghan war nicknamed "Swift"), Su-22 is a development of the preceding Su-7 and Su-17 and its Su-20 version, which first entered …
如何评价苏-17/20/22攻击机? - 知乎
所以“苏-22是苏-20的简化降级版”的说法也是错误的。苏-22在1976~1977年间共生产90多架,出口到安哥拉、伊拉克、利比亚、秘鲁和也门等国。 第二次迭代:苏-17m3与苏-22m/m3
Su-17 / Su-22 전폭기 - 유용원의군사세계 - 전문가광장 > 무기백과
2022年1月5日 · 최초로 Su-17 시리즈가 해외에 판매된 국가는 이라크로, 1980년 9월 22일부터 1988년 8월 20일까지 진행된 이란-이라크 전쟁 중 Su-17 수출용 형상인 Su-20과 Su-22가 …
쌍열 기관포의 베스트셀러 - 23mm GSh-23 (ГШ-23) : 네이버 블로그
공대공 용도로 1~2문의 gsh-23을 내장하고 250~400발의 기관포탄을 가진 upk-23 (УПК-23-250) 이라든가, 지상에 기총소사를 가하기 위해서 0°~30°의 하방 사격이 가능하도록 특별히 제작된 …