Seismic Soil Site Class maps based on the average values of Vs30 …
By utilizing the two classes of land sites, which are based on N-SPT30 and Vs30, a map of the average classes of land sites is made as shown in Figure 6, which produces a class map of land sites...
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) of Soil – Procedure ... - CivilSeek
2017年11月29日 · The Standard penetration test ( SPT ) is widely used to get the bearing capacity of soil directly at a certain depth. The consistency of clayey soils can often be estimated from this test.
Surabaya earthquake hazard soil assessment - ResearchGate
2020年1月1日 · Surabaya city, which is geologically dominated by alluvium deposits, consists of soft soil (SE) and medium (SD) sites based on N-SPT30 and Vs30 data. The level of soil amplification against...
Soil properties like cohesion, angle of friction, shear wave velocity, Poisson’s ratio etc. are important for evaluation of the vibration parameter by numerical modeling of soil. In various numerical modeling software manuals, various ranges of these parameters are specified.
The report presents what are considered to be the most useful and reliable correlations between SPT N-values and soil strength, soil compressibility, foundation bearing capacity, foundation settlement, and liquefaction potential.
N-SPT map averages to a depth of 30 m. - ResearchGate
In the picture shown in Figure 2, it is clear that N-SPT30 of less than 15 almost dominates the Surabaya City area, especially in the northern and East coast coastal areas.
Surabaya earthquake hazard soil assessment | E3S Web of …
Surabaya city, which is geologically dominated by alluvium deposits, consists of soft soil (SE) and medium (SD) sites based on N-SPT30 and Vs30 data. The level of soil amplification against earthquakes ranging from 1 to 4. This occurs because the physical properties of the Surabaya City soil layer are dominated by alluvium deposits.
Surabaya earthquake hazard soil assessment - Institut Teknologi …
2019年9月27日 · Surabaya city, which is geologically dominated by alluvium deposits, consists of soft soil (SE) and medium (SD) sites based on N-SPT30 and Vs30 data. The level of soil amplification against earthquakes ranging from 1 to 4.
Surabaya city, which is geologically dominated by alluvium deposits, consists of soft soil (SE) and medium (SD) sites based on N-SPT30 and Vs30 data. The level of soil amplification against earthquakes ranging from 1 to 4.
The results of these studies indicate that Jakarta is dominated by two site classes, namely soft soil (SE), with an average SPT value for the first 30 m of depth (N-SPT30) of less than 15, and medium soil (SD), with an N-SPT30 value ranging from 15 to 50.